9 examples of grewe in sentences

He hastened to woo her, and sweetly he wooed, For his love grew until to a mountain it grewed, And what he was longing to do, then he doed.

"Againe great dole on either partie grewe, That him to death unfaithfull Paris sent; 530 And also him that false Ulysses slewe, Drawne into danger through close ambushment; Therefore from him Laërtes sonne his vewe Doth turn aside, and boasts his good event In working of Strymonian Rhaesus fall, 535 And efte* in Dolons slye surprÿsall.

Till at the last, dissolving his moist frame, In raine, or snowe, or haile, he forth is horld, This citie, which was first but shepheards shade, Uprising by degrees, grewe to such height That queene of land and sea her selfe she made.

And whatso else of vertue good or ill Grewe in this gardin, fetcht from farre away, Of everie one he takes and tastes at will, And on their pleasures greedily doth pray.

And her faire face to foule and loathsome hewe, And her fine corpes to a bag of venim grewe.

High on a hill a goodly Cedar grewe, Of wondrous length and straight proportion, That farre abroad her daintie odours threwe; Mongst all the daughters of proud Libanon, Her match in beautie was not anie one.

I was informed also by certaine credible persons, of another miraculous thing, namely, that in a certaine kingdome of the sayd Can, wherein stand the mountains called Kapsei (the kingdomes name is Kalor) there grewe great Gourds or Pompions, which being ripe,

The fourth we were still vnder the sayd Cape, and so continued that day, and towardes night there grewe a contention in the ship amongst the Hollanders, and it had like to haue bene a great inconuenience, for we had all our weapons, yea euen our kniues, taken from vs that night.

I grewed up there and found my childun there.

9 examples of  grewe  in sentences