2707 examples of gripping in sentences

Even the hardest portions of the edge of the hoof are comparatively soft and elastic; furthermore, the toes admit of an extraordinary amount of both lateral and vertical movement, allowing the foot to accommodate itself still more perfectly to the irregularities of rock surfaces, while at the same time increasing the gripping power.

"Get in theredo you hear?" commanded Hallam, gripping the other's arm with all his force.

Meanwhile, the sight of my figure crossing the door-way had brought Bagley's nervous excitement to a height: he flew at me, gripping my shoulder.

Then Beltane frowned and leaning forward, seized the bridle close beside the bit, and gripping it so, put forth his strength.

Then, when Luke leaned forward, Racey did the same and possessed himself of the money-lender's ear by the simple method of gripping it tightly between fingers and thumb.

I had a disagreeable sense that something repugnant was near to me, and I was aware in the same moment that the landlord was gripping my arm in a hard, frightened grip.

he whispered, gripping my arm.

* Lorenzo was not backward in gripping, with a firm hand, the reins of power.

The next moment there was a crash, the man in front of him gave; then Joel and Story, gripping the turf with their toes, braced hard; there was a moment of heaving, panting suspense; then a smothered voice cried "Down!" "Third down," cried the referee.

I had barely time to observe that one of the pursuers carried a revolver, and that both hesitated and retired on seeing that several people were about the street, when Hewitt, gripping my arm and exclaiming: "That's our man!" started at a run after the fugitive.

The captain, though grim from a gripping religion that had squeezed all joy from his scripture-haunted soul, added an anecdote to the entertainment.

"Well?" he cried, gripping the other's arm.

Those in favour" Mr. Todd, leaning back in his chair and gripping the arms, gazed defiantly at a row of palms.

She had emerged from the shadows noiselessly, and was leaning forward, her strong hands gripping the edge of the table littered with its many properties.

Come outside!" He passed Robin and went to the new-comer, gripping him quickly by the shoulder and turning him back by the way he had come.

He suddenly laid a hand on the younger man's arm, gripping it mercilessly.

His voice had a ring of sternness; he put his hand on her shoulder, gripping unconsciously.

One made a pretext to quarrel with me, and, gripping me round the body, called to his companions to go and get some stones to pound me on the head with, this being the approved manner of the young roughs of New York.

Almost simultaneously Mr. Skelmersdale himself appeared down the village, gripping a watering-pot by the spout, and very white in the face.

" Mistress Endicott was the color of wax, her husband was gripping her wrist with a clutch of steel, trying, through the administration of physical pain, to keep alive her presence of mind.

He was still struggling with this feeling when he became aware that she had paused; and, also, that Ashton-Kirk was once more gripping his shoulder with a warning hand.

He drew very close to me, his fingers gripping my sleeve"I'll tell you, Ivan Andreievitchbut you mustn't tell anybody else.

The old councilor was half stretched upon the table, his arms reaching out, his long, thin fingers gripping its edges, his face buried under his shoulders.

He staggered back, gripping his throat, and fell upon the floor.

Some friend with whom she had been acting in the country had advised her to apply' 'Acting where?' said Fenwick, still gripping him.

2707 examples of  gripping  in sentences