4 examples of gruesomeness in sentences

So much is certain, however, that in the matter of eyes being gouged out, an absolute mania of gruesomeness broke loose.

She was fond of realism in every form, and did not stick at gruesomeness.

11¾d.), we find all the glory that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome; the Olympian serenity of HOMER, the pity and terror of ÆSCHYLUS, the poignancy of CATULLUS, the saucy mirth of ARISTOPHANES, the sanity of SHAKSPEARE, the macabre gruesomeness of BAUDELAIRE, the sardonic rictus of HEINE and the geniality of TROLLOPE.

] While his nerves were still tingling with the gruesomeness of all this, Lloyd was brought to Judge Hauteville's room in the Palais de Justice.

4 examples of  gruesomeness  in sentences