50 examples of gudgeon in sentences

I am afraid, general, that there is a little of the sogdollager bait in this?" "Not enough, sir, to catch the merest fresh-water gudgeon that swims.

Sir Grenville Temple remarks: "The thermometer in the water marked ninety-five degrees; and, what is curious, a considerable number of fish is found in this stream, which measure from four to six inches in length, and resemble, in some degree, the gudgeon, having a delicate flavour.

Dupe N. dupe, gull, gudgeon, gobemouche^, cull [Slang], cully^, victim, pigeon, April fool^; jay

Our hero was playing against a false deal; the man who was leading him made the fatal mistake that he was working with a gudgeon on his hook, consequently he was not watchful.

Ia. Here's a most sweet Gudgeon swallowed, is there not? Will.

Amongst fishes, those are most allowed of, that live in gravelly or sandy waters, pikes, perch, trout, gudgeon, smelts, flounders, &c. Hippolitus Salvianus takes exception at carp; but I dare boldly say with Dubravius, it is an excellent meat, if it come not from muddy pools, that it retain not an unsavoury taste.

Where in a dike, Perch or pike, Roach or dace, We do chase, Bleak or gudgeon, Without grudging, We are still contented.

Pleasant white wooden bridge, with its row of urchins dropping flints upon the noses of elephantine trout, or fishing over the rail with crooked pins, while hapless gudgeon come dangling upward between stream and sky, with a look of sheepish surprise and shame, as of a school-boy caught stealing apples, in their foolish visages.

The "Ménagier" adds several others to the above list, including blay, shad, roach, and gudgeon, but, above all, the carp, which was supposed to be a native of Southern Europe, and which must have been naturalised at a much later period in the northern waters (Figs. 100, 101, and 102).

This forms an abutment for supporting the ladle in the gudgeon band, being secured to this last by latch bolts and cotters.

At Raratonga, near Tahiti, the British resident, Colonel Gudgeon, and three other Englishmen had followed the tahua as my neighbors had here.

"If a gudgeon meet a roach, He dare not venture to approach.

"If a gudgeon meet a roach, He ne'er will venture to approach."

Or thus: "If a gudgeon meets a roach, He dares not venture to approach.

"It seems to me," replied Howik, "that the gudgeon suspects something.

Mr. Gudgeon had not been aware of his wife's pupilage at Miss Pillbody's private school, though he had observed (he added, confidentially), for some months past, a slight improvement in her grammar.

"I am not ashamed to say that we were poor once," said Mr. Gudgeon, with a glow of pride.

Why should you work for me for nothing, when I am not willing to do the same thing for Mrs. Gudgeon? 'The laborer is worthy of his hire,'" she added, laughing.

The turbot and sole are indeed included in the "Treatise on Utensils" of Neckam, as are likewise the lamprey (of which King John is said to have been very fond), bleak, gudgeon, conger, plaice, limpet, ray, and mackerel.

We meet with the sturgeon, the whiting, the roach, the miller's thumb, the thomback, the codling, the perch, the gudgeon, the turbot, the pike, the tench, and the haddock.

It was the race conflict which gave dignity to what Lieutenant Gudgeon in his chronicle truthfully reduces to "expeditions and skirmishes grandiloquently styled campaigns".

Generals Carey and Alexander supply the narrative of the doings of the regulars; Lieutenant Gudgeon that of the militia's achievements.

Of Gudgeon's two books I much prefer the Reminiscences, which on the whole tell more about the war than any other volume one can name.

moored our boat to a friendly willow, put our fishing-tackle together, and composed ourselves for the gentle excitement that waits upon the gudgeon and the minnow.

Believe me, your gudgeon nibbled because I sang him to the surfacejust as the snakes come out for the song of the snake-charmer.

50 examples of  gudgeon  in sentences