462 examples of gunpowder in sentences

The Mussulmans came and diverted themselves with their horses and gunpowder.

The Jesuits were concerned in the Gunpowder Plot of England and two of the fathers were among the executed.

There is Tom's gunpowder, Dick's fishhooks, and one of Professor Gazzy's famous turtles for Harry.

The British, unable to hold the fort had fired a magazine of gunpowder on the edge of the lake.

" "We're as safe," answered Maxine, with a kind of desperate calmness, "as if we were in a house with gunpowder stored underneath, and a train laid to fire it.

The excellent citizens of London and Madrid found themselves incapable of crediting this until it was duly placarded in gunpowder print.

Whether the military science of the Romans was superior or inferior to our own, no one can question that it was as perfect as it could be, lacking any knowledge of gunpowder; we surpass them only in the application of this great invention, especially in artillery.

The tormentum, which was an elastic instrument, discharged stones and darts, and was held in general use until the discovery of gunpowder.

A sulphurous spring was also discovered, bubbling out from the base of a perpendicular rock three hundred feet high, the waters of which were dark-blue and tasted like gunpowder.

They were particularly fond of illuminations and fireworks, which are of much later origin than the invention of gunpowder; although the Saracens, at the time of the Crusades, used a Greek fire for illuminations, which considerably alarmed the Crusaders when they first witnessed its effects.

At 8 in the morning several of the enemy's shot struck the Kent at the same time; one entered near the foremast, and set fire to two or three 32-pound cartridges of gunpowder, as the boys held them in their hands ready to charge the guns.

Also being provided with the requisites for making gunpowder, I very soon had nearly 3000 lbs.

One of Uncle Parker's eyes had been blown out with gunpowder, and the other did but glimmer in its socket.

They are very distinctly heard at the distance of half a mile, and the massive jets of vapor which accompany them burst forth like the smoke of burning gunpowder.

There is no chemical solvent like gunpowder.

But we should decide either to be a lunatic, if he in one breath proclaimed his gunpowder to be incombustible, and at the next moment assassinated a visitor for lighting a cigar on the premises.

After Friday and I became more intimately acquainted, and that he could understand almost all I said to him, and speak pretty fluently, though in broken English, to me, I acquainted him with my own history, or at least so much of it as related to my coming to this place; how I had lived here, and how long: I let him into the mystery, for such it was to him, of gunpowder and bullet, and taught him how to shoot.

The towers are harmless as fortifications, since, for want of skill in the manufacture of gunpowder, the Moors are very deficient in that necessary article.

The smoke and the odors of the burned gunpowder filled his nostrils and throat, and heated his brain.

The first clear notice which we have of rifles is in the year 1498, nearly 120 years after the invention of gunpowder was known to Europe.

The old woman who served the school with tarts, and who, in her endeavours to please all palates, brought some varieties heated over a charcoal fire, had her apparatus blown to atoms by an ounce of gunpowder, insinuated with so much art, that although done before her face, she could attach no one with the offence.

John Wilkes, who did not stand upon ceremony in these little affairs, when asked by Lord Talbot, "How many times they were to fire?" replied, "just as often as your Lordship pleases; I have brought a bag of bullets and a flask of gunpowder.

When the workmen were employed some years back in sinking a well to supply the garrison with water, the aid of gunpowder was required to blast the fossil timber, it having attained, by elementary action and the repose of ages, the hard compactness of rock or granite stone.

"While you were away, Jasper, he went to the laboratory with Constance, and fired off a brass cannon with your new pile until he had used up all the gunpowder and spoiled the panels of the door.

At length the attempt to rend it by means of gunpowder was made.

462 examples of  gunpowder  in sentences