151 examples of gust of wind in sentences

Another gust of wind went rushing by, and with it fell a few heavy drops of rain, which presently came rattling down in showers, beating against the casements like a hundred little hands.

I've seen plenty of crops coming on magnificently, and then a storm, a gust of wind, a mere trifle, has reduced them to nothing!

The dull rattle of the rain on the glass above her continued, but a little livid light was appearing as a gust of wind carried off the clouds.

When a fierce and riotous gust of wind had led his thoughts, by a natural association, to homeless travellers on such a night, Pearson resumed the conversation.

This rain came presently streaming down upon them with a great gust of wind and a deal of white foam across the water.

It is only a passing gust of wind.

As she turned the corner, a great, fierce gust of wind swept round it, and caught her breath and made her stagger.

He felt cold when, on approaching the bed, a sudden flare of light, caused by a gust of wind, illumined his father's face.

'That's just where it is, sir, Polly and little John, bless 'em; and all the time the wind's raging, and the waves is coming right over the boat, I'm thinking of my poor lass at home, and how every gust of wind will be sweeping right over her heart, and how she'll be kneeling by little John's bed, praying God to bring his daddy safe home again.

If, on a summer's day, the dean's wife at Glanshammar had spread the tea table in the garden and along would come a gust of wind that lifted the cloth from the table and turned over cups and saucers, they knew who had raised the mischief!

Then along came a violent gust of wind, which tossed the geese before it, like balls, and the boy, who was sitting comfortably, with no thought of peril, was lifted from the goose's back and hurled into space.


A gust of wind whistled about their ears.

Suddenly a gust of wind swept by; the sky turned a greenish gray; black clouds drifted over the face of the sun; ominous sounds came rumbling from distant hills, and before our effects could be collected and returned to cover, a terrific thunderstorm was upon us.

All right,but a gentle moisture breaks out all over you; and then something like a whistle or a cry,another gust of wind, perhaps; that accounts for the rustling that just made your heart roll over and tumble about, so that it felt more like a live rat under your ribs than a part of your own body; then a crash of something that has fallen,blown over, very likePater noster, qui es in coelis!

It was blowing rather hard at the time, and he hadn't gone far before a gust of wind caught his hat and carried it off, and his wig too, much to the amusement of the hunt.

The distant sound of horses' beating hoofs came with a gust of wind.

An unusually strong gust of wind sweeps through the hall, and strange moanings are heard in the chimney.

"Gents," he said huskily, while a gust of wind fanned a cloud of dust from his clothes, "is there anybody in this town can gimme a hoss to get to Stillwater, inside three hours' riding?" He waited a moment, his hungry eyes traveling eagerly from face to face.

" A great gust of wind came with a shriek down one of the gorges, and the snow was whipped into their faces, blinding them for a moment.

The English youth's hat was lying upon the table beside him, and a gust of wind blowing it upon the floor, rolled it toward Robert, who picked it up and tendered it to its owner.

You see the plane tremble as if struck by a violent gust of wind.

A small gust of wind, lifting the edges of the heavy damask cloth and nearly capsizing the violets, first called her attention to a change in the weather.

A dozen or more yellow-winged butterflies gathered at a moist spot, scatter like autumn leaves before a gust of wind at my approach, dancing away on fairy wings like golden sunbeams.

Before she had finished her indignant words, Hans was coming in from some unknown region to lay the cloth for supper, and Peregrine, with an imprecation under his breath, had gone to the door to admit his two comrades, who came into the narrow entry on a gust of wind as it were, struggling out of their cloaks, stamping and swearing.

151 examples of  gust of wind  in sentences