55 examples of gutting in sentences

We read of houses being "gutted" by the Prussian soldiers; have houses entrails, then? Answer.

Several of the tenements were completely gutted, and the wildest excitement prevailed as the panic-stricken tenants, with cries and shrieks of terror, jumped from the windows, or in other ways sought to save themselves.

Captain Sharkey, of the twenty-gun pirate barque, Happy Delivery, had passed down the coast, and had littered it with gutted vessels and with murdered men.

The whole country had been gutted, and vast piles of refuse and mountains of slag suggested the mighty chambers which the labour of man had burrowed beneath.

But when we entered, what a disappointment!for there were no banquets now, no banners, no love, but the whole place gutted and turned into a barrack for French prisoners.

At Leefdael there must have been fighting, for some of the houses were gutted by shells.

Were our houses to be gutted and burnt before our eyes without any attempt to prevent such outrage?

They did not desist from plunder till they had gutted the houses of all the property which had been accumulated during a long period of prosperity.

He was unable to tear himself away from his gutted home but sat for hours under a tree hard by, pondering on his ill-fortune.

For a mile we drove the car slowly between the blackened walls of fire-gutted buildings.

A stock company, thinking there was a field for a theatre in the town, had taken a four-story building, gutted the interior, and fitted it up with tiers of seats and scenery.


sis I; 'To make a Bolshour ov you an give thim to you without gutting thim,' sis he; 'An arn't they gutted, Jim, aroon,' sis I; 'Oh! bad luck to the one o' thim,' sis he; 'Musha then,' sis I, 'what the dhoul will I do at all at all, fur the master will be mad;' 'Do!' sis he, 'why I'd rather do the thing for you mysel

LITTLE MISS BLUEBEARD, a comedy in three acts by Avery Hopwood based upon Der Gutte das Frauleins, by Gabriel Dregely.

LITTLE MISS BLUEBEARD, a comedy in three acts by Avery Hopwood based upon Der Gutte das Frauleins, by Gabriel Dregely.

The Standard, fairly gutted, was on the floor.

It fell on a book and gutted it, throwing away the trash.

I never pretended to be a judge of motor vehicles, but it does not need an expert to detect a Drift when he sees one; they have a leggy, herring-gutted appearance all their own.

This way of Writing was first of all introduced by T-m Br-wn, of facetious Memory, who, after having gutted a proper Name of all its intermediate Vowels, used to plant it in his Works, and make as free with it as he pleased, without any Danger of the Statute.

And my side would give me leave, I would so hunt ye, Ye Porridg gutted Slaves, ye Veal broth-Boobies.

Still there were little townsor what had been little towns, now tumbled ruinsfire-smitten, gutted, their windows gaping like blind eyes in the face of a twisted cripple.

"Look, all that is left of the Institut St. Joseph, the pride of La Ferte." Across the river between the broken spans of the bridge, my eye fell upon the gutted remains of what had once been a most exquisite bit of eighteenth century architecture.

Pitilessly he pierced their enchanted walls, discovering their pretense, burning away their shadowy glory, baring them for what they weremasses of jumbled rock and splintered spires; rain-gutted wraiths of clay, volcanic rock, the tumbled malpais and the tufa of the land.

Chiefest among the cooks have I been, and now I am sitting trying to fan my red cheeks and redder nose, with the back of an old atlas, gutted in some ancient broil, trying, in deference to Sir Roger, to cool down my appearance a little against prayer-time.

The brig was gutted and burnt.

55 examples of  gutting  in sentences