12 examples of gwan in sentences

"'Gwan, you fool nigger, don' you know dat dem flying boys an' gals is to be hayr ter-day?" "Oh, dat's jes a joke, dat is," rejoined Uncle Jupe; "how's they all goin' ter fly ah'd lak to know.

They'd take your taxi license away from you!" Perry surprised himself by the ease with which he made this monstrous threat, but it seemed to have a soporific influence on his companion, for he muttered an "aw gwan" and subsided into abashed silence.

" "Gwan, next!"

"Well, now, Mawse Chawlie, I gwan t' ass you a riddle.

"I gwan tell you," said the marchande; "'t is becyaze dey got a 'fixed wuckin' class.'"

" "You gwan kill yo'se'f, Mawse Chawlie," she said, handling a garment.

Oh, sweet Miché Jean, you not gwan to kill me?

Onetwothree" "Oh, Miché, she gwan to gib me to de devil wid houdou

IIII di'n' 'ten' no hawm to Mawse-Agricole; I wa'n't gwan to hu't nobody in God's worl'; 'ndeed I wasn'.

'Tain' no use to hang me; you gwan to kyetch Palmyre yit; li courri dans marais; she is in de swamp yeh, sum'ers; but as concernin' me, you'd oughteh jis gimme fawty an lemme go.

Oh, Mawse 'Polyte, is you gwan to let 'em kill ole Clemence?

MAMA DUCK Gwan away

12 examples of  gwan  in sentences