30 examples of gyges in sentences

Though the ring found by Gyges, shepherd to the King of Lydia, has more of fable than of truth in it, it will not, however, be amiss, to relate what is said concerning Herodotus, Coelius, after Plato and Cicero, in the third book of his Offices.

Gyges, having made trial of its efficacy, bethought himself that it would be a means for ascending the throne of Lydia, and for gaining the Queen by it.

He would have given his soul for the ring of Gyges.

Lydia was not much known to distant States until the reign of Gyges, about 716 B.C., who made war on the Dorian and Ionian Greek colonies on the coast of Asia Minor, the chief of which were Miletus, Smyrna, Colophon, and Ephesus.

So, like Gyges of old, we 'elected to survive,' and rowed away with wistful eyes, determining to get Guacharosa determination which was never carried outfrom one of the limestone caverns of the northern mountains.

How do I know that the insolent Cyras was not blandished out of his bloodthirsty intention of roasting his deposed brother by a little cash which the son of Gyges had saved out of the wide, weltering wreck of his wealth, and had concealed in his boots?

Hadst thou Sampson's hair, Milo's strength, Scanderbeg's arm, Solomon's wisdom, Absalom's beauty, Croesus' wealth, Pasetis obulum, Caesar's valour, Alexander's spirit, Tully's or Demosthenes' eloquence, Gyges' ring, Perseus' Pegasus, and Gorgon's head, Nestor's years to come, all this would not make thee absolute; give thee content, and true happiness in this life, or so continue it.

In the other extreme some are too liberal, as the proverb is, Turdus malum sibi cacat, they make a rod for their own tails, as Candaules did to Gyges in Herodotus, commend his wife's beauty himself, and besides would needs have him see her naked.

Gyges regno Lydiae inflatus sciscitatum misit Apollinem an quis mortalium se felicior esset.

Nunquam jugera messibus onusta, aut Quos Gyges cumulos habebat auri; Quod vitae satis est, peto, Macrine, Mi, nequid nimis, est nimis probatum.

I brought this Gyges to my hearts delight

Happy Gyges, lend me your ring that I may assist mutely and invisibly at the sweet mysteries of the night toilette.

I warned you that I had borrowed the ring of Gyges and I can tell you that I saw her calf and right above the knee, and all was like a sculptor's model.

"Hamstring'd behind, unhappy Gyges died.

R644079. Gyges' ring and other verse.

R644079. Gyges' ring and other verse.

The Story of Gyges the rich Lydian Monarch, is a memorable Instance to our present Purpose.

The Oracle being asked by Gyges, who was the happiest Man, replied Agla¸s.

Gyges, who expected to have heard himself named on this Occasion, was much surprized, and very curious to know who this Agla¸s should be.

For Gyges, the rich King, wicked and great, Presum'd at wise Apollo's Delphick Seat, Presum'd to ask, Oh thou, the whole World's Eye, See'st thou a Man that happier is than I? The God, who scorned to flatter Man, reply'd, Agla¸s happier is.

But Gyges cry'd, In a proud Rage, Who can that Agla¸s be?

Even those amongst the vulgar who believed the plant bore seed, had an idea that the seeds were visible only at certain mysterious seasons and to favored individuals who by carrying a quantity of it on their person, were able, like those who wore the helmet of Pluto or the ring of Gyges, to walk unseen amidst a crowd.

Had you Gyges' ring, Or the herb that gives invisibility.

GYGES, a young shepherd of Lydia, who, according to classic legend, possessed a magic ring of gold by which he could render himself invisible; he repaired to the Court of Candaules, whose first minister he became, whose chamber he entered invisibly, and whom he put to death to reign in his stead.

The lazy swinging of the vehicle that was bearing him awayalbeit only for a night and a daythe solitude, the glimpses from the window of great distances full of vague possibilities, made the abused ring potent as that of Gyges.

30 examples of  gyges  in sentences