189 examples of hadrian in sentences

They again paid more attention to the interior than to the exterior decoration of their palaces and baths,as we may infer from the ruins of Hadrian's villa at Tivoli and the excavations of Pompeii.

So were the great baths of Titus, Caracalla, and Diocletian, the villa of Hadrian, the city walls, the villa of Mecaenas at Tivoli, and most of the palaces of the nobility,although, like many of the temples, they were faced with stone.

Titus, Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius, Antoninus Pius, Alexander Severus, Tacitus, Probus, Carus, Constantine, Theodosius, were all men of remarkable virtues as well as talents.

To fill up what was lacking in these titles, he was proclaimed lord and ruler by a yet clearer divine right, when in 1155 John of Salisbury brought to him from Rome a bull, by which the English Pope, Hadrian IV., as supreme lord of all islands, granted Ireland to the English king, that he might bring the people under law, and enlarge the borders of the Church.

Earnest attempts had already been made by Hadrian's predecessor to bring the Irish into closer connection with the see of Rome.

Hadrian himself had long been interested in Irish affairs.

The religious houses which the Irish maintained in Germany kept up communication with Pope and Emperor; an Irish abbot at Nuremberg was chaplain to the Emperor Frederick; one of Hadrian's masters at Paris had been a monk from the Irish settlement in Ratisbon, and as Pope he still remembered the Irish monk with warm affection.

A great council was held at Cashel, where a settlement was made of Church and State, and where Henry for the first time published the Papal Bull issued by Hadrian fifteen years before.

Like Trajan and Hadrian, Marcus Aurelius derived his remote origin from Spain, although he was born in Rome.

But his marvellous moral beauty, even as a child, attracted the attention of the Emperor Hadrian, who bestowed upon him the honor of the aequestrian rank, at the age of six.

Had he been older, he would have been adopted by Hadrian himself.

It would have been wise for Aurelius to have selected one of the ablest of his generals, or one of the wisest of his senators, as Hadrian did, for so great and responsible a position, rather than a wicked, cruel, dissolute son.

Hadrian and Antoninus Pius permitted the laws to be enforced against the Christians, and Marcus Aurelius saw no reason to alter them.

The mausoleum of Hadrian became the most formidable fortress of Mediaeval times.

E. This custom of promiscuous bathing is very ancient, and existed among the Romans, from whom it was learnt by the Greeks, but gave rise to such shameful lewdness, that it was prohibited by Hadrian and Antoninus.

Till that time,which was fulfilled under Titus, and more thoroughly under Hadrian,no Jew was relieved from his duties as a citizen and subject by his having become a Christian.

No less than three great EmperorsTrajan, Hadrian, and Theodosius,were natives of Spain.

In the hall of the Muses are the statues of the tuneful Nine which were found underground among the ruins of Hadrian's villa at Tivoli.

Hadrian's villa has already furnished many a statue, column and pilaster to the Museums, churches and Palaces of Rome.

Afterwards, in 121 A.D., the emperor Hadrian was compelled to build a wall to keep out the still unconquered Caledonians.

A barbarian king, the Roxolan Rasparasanus, is said to have withdrawn to Pola after the submission of his nation to Hadrian; and the panegyrists of the Flavian house rank Pola along with Trier and Autun among the cities which the princes of that house had adorned or strengthened.

The river rolled below in his muddy glory, and in front, on the opposite bank, stood "the pile which Hadrian retired on high"now, the Castle of St. Angelo.

It is a large circular structure somewhat after the plan of that of Hadrian, but on a much smaller scale.

Hadrian's villa.

Tall Groves of Trees the Hadrian Tow'r surround, Fictitious Trees with Paper Garlands

189 examples of  hadrian  in sentences