6 examples of hagged in sentences

Hagge, in the presence of your brave holy Champion And thy Husband, One of my Cammell drivers shall take from thee The glory of thy honesty and honour.

And that we speake not of (?); lives still That Witch Victoria, wife to Bellizarius? Is Death afraid to touch the Hagge?

But love, or rather an infernall hagge, Envying Saxons greatnes and his joyes, Hath given me nothing but a trifling glove, As if by the proportion of the case Art had the power to know the jewels nature.

33 The ghostly prudes, with hagged face, Already had condemn'd the sinner: My Lady rose, and with a grace She smiled, and bid him come to dinner, 34 'Jesu-Maria!

[Footnote 7: 'Hagged:' i. e., the face of a witch or hag.]

As I said before, the day is prepared for, about a month previouslythe townsmen employ themselves in hagging furze for the "bon-fire," which is situated in an adjoining field.

6 examples of  hagged  in sentences