11 examples of haitian in sentences

One result of the Haitian disorder was the arrival, in eastern Cuba, of a large number of exiles and emigrants who established extensive coffee plantations.

My grandmother was a Haitian Negress, grandfather a Frenchman.

HERSKOVITS, FRANCES S. Life in a Haitian valley.

SEE Herskovits, Melville J. HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J. Life in a Haitian valley.

Olga Ley (W); 27Oct69; R471378. LEYBURN, JAMES G. The Haitian people.

The Beast of the Haitian hills.

HERSKOVITS, FRANCES S. Life in a Haitian valley.

SEE Herskovits, Melville J. HERSKOVITS, MELVILLE J. Life in a Haitian valley.

Olga Ley (W); 27Oct69; R471378. LEYBURN, JAMES G. The Haitian people.

The Beast of the Haitian hills.

" "So when dey line up, dis here Haitian come crowdin' in ahead o' de fust man in de line, an' he cut off de bes' lean meat 'fore we gits ours.

11 examples of  haitian  in sentences