19 examples of half-door in sentences

The houses on either side were, for the most part, dingy-looking edifices, with half-doors, and such pretensions to being shops as the display of a quart of meal, salt, or string of red peppers confers.

As she rode beneath the arch a number of dogs yelped a welcome from kennels or behind stable half-doors, and a bent old man, dressed like something between a stableman and a butler, came forward, touching his forehead, to take her horse.

I lent over the half-door and watched him a minute, chipping away with the graver in a bad light from a lantern; then he looked up, and seeing me, said: 'Here, John, if you have nothing to do, come in and hold the lantern for me, 'tis but a half-hour's job to get all finished.

"Grosvenor Crescent," says Tom, shutting the half-doors with a bang, and shouting his orders through the little hole in the top.

Imagine my surprise when, on visiting the horses at mid-day, Madame Veuve Palliard-Dubose leaned over the half-door of her dwelling and waved her hand to me.

On reaching the outer entrance to the jail, the low half-door, thickly studded with huge-headed nails, by which it was temporarily secured during the day, was immediately thrown open for her admission by the turnkeya little crusty-looking personage in a fur capwho had been leaning over it, listlessly looking around him, on her ladyship's approach.

The turnkey at the outer door, who, as has been already said, was a little slender man, his lordship was to seize and throw down, and then get over the little half-door, which was under his guardianship, the best way he could.

There is Shane, an active, handsome-looking fellow, leaning over the half-door of his cottage, kicking a hole in the wall with his brogue, and picking up all the large gravel within his reach to pelt the ducks withthose useful Irish scavengers.

I wielded the heavy brass knocker on the half-door, with diamond-paned glass top, and paused to look off to where the flower and fruit garden sloped south and west.

The doors were merely half-doors of escape, parts of larger ones.

Staffy: That was the way with you, Delia, from the time you could look out from the half-door, to be coveting pictures and fooleries, that would shape themselves in your mind.

(He leans upon half-door.)

They talk, Conn leaning on the half-door.

CONN (opening half-door)

MURTAGH COSGAR (going to the door, and drawing the bolt from the half-door) When you come to my house, Ellen Douras, you are welcome within.

"What is it at all?" asked Peggy Murphy, her next-door neighbour, thrusting her head over the half-door.

Then an idea struck her, an idea which became a fixed resolution when presently Father Taylor's kindly face nodded at her over the half-door.

" Roseen unfastened the half-door and came in, her little bare brown feet making no sound on the mud floor.

" We turned out of Wych Street into the arched passage leading into New Inn, and, halting at the half-door of the lodge, perceived a stout, purple-faced man crouching over the fire, coughing violently.

19 examples of  half-door  in sentences