28 examples of half-empty in sentences

In another part of the long room Arthur Weldon was leaning over a table containing the half-empty forms, as if critically examining them.

There were no letters, no papers, no written documents of any kind in the pockets, the remainder of whose contents consisted of such odds and ends as any man might carry about with hima cheap watch, a pen-knife, a half-empty packet of French tobacco, a sheaf of cigarette paper, four or five keys on a ring, a silk handkerchief, and perhaps some other articles which I have forgottenbut not a thing to assist in establishing his identity.

The first place we called at in this quarter was a poor half-empty cottage, inhabited by an old widow and her sick daughter.

Leaving her to recover her composure, I took up the half-empty cup she had dropped on the central table.

"He is in Retreat at the monastery of the Redemptionists, which stands half-empty on the road to Villaba.

Marcos went in, his spurred heels clanking loudly in the half-empty house.

The adjacent rooms were half-empty now, but in the spring they would be packed to the eaves with thousands of buffalo robes and furs brought in from outlying settlements by hunters.

" Sofia said nothing, but put her half-empty glass aside.

With a quaint noise, like the gurgle of a half-empty bath, he promptly released me from his embrace, and sank down on to the grass almost as swiftly and silently as he had arisen.

There was a silk hat and a pair of white kid gloves upon the table, and on the sideboard a half-empty glass of whiskey and soda.

He who stays here another month may almost make up his mind to stay eight more of them; if, indeed, he ever get away from the group at all!" "A late start is better than a half-empty vessel.

A half-empty bottle of champagne stood on the floor.

That astute person, however, after a modest draught, sat still, anchored to the half-empty glass.

"Ashness folk dinna believe in sending a half-empty jar.

The half-empty skin at his side, the vacant laugh, the foolish eye, the lolling tongue, the bloated lip, and the idiotic countenance, gave reason to suspect that there was a better motive for their support than any which belonged to the truth of the representation.

Two or three days afterwards Jogesh again called to tell him that an opportunity of making Rs. 10,000 net had occurred owing to the pressing demand for cooly freight from a ship which was lying half-empty, and costing large sums for demurrage.

f-eaten dinner was getting cold on the table; Mr. Grummit, who was badly in need of cheering up, emptied her half-empty glass of beer and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.

When at last his enemies came filing down through the beaver meadow he had no desire to be left with a half-empty gun.

Such a scheme would not only release almost all the vast area of London now under railway yards for parks and housing, but it would give nearly every delivery van an effective load, and probably reduce the number of standing and empty vans or half-empty vans on the streets of London to a quarter or an eighth of the present number.

Without ever knowing exactly how, he found himself in a boat with some negroes and different objects piled together with the precipitation of flight,a half-empty barrel of biscuits and another that contained only water.

They put me in a huge armchair of silk and gilt, with two of the gray ghosts to guard me, and from the hall, when the doors of the drawing-room opened, I could see a long table on which were candles in silver candlesticks or set on plates, and many maps and half-empty bottles of champagne.

Reeling in the saddle, he came up with the stragglers, singing and marking time with a half-empty bottle of whisky.

With the growth of population even the rabbit ceases to be a serious evil, except to a few half-empty tracts.

The most famous and far-reaching of Rauparaha's raids were among the Ngaitahu, whose scattered bands were masters of nearly all the wide half-empty spaces of the South Island.

He examined both cans, "hefted" them, smelt and even tasted the one half-empty, and decided that Ford auty-mo-biles do not require two quarts of syrup at one dose.

28 examples of  half-empty  in sentences