59 examples of half-finished in sentences

The mistiness is much aided by the glimmering expression of his half-finished features.

The small, plump figure was arrayed in school attire of dark brown, with linen collar and cuffs, buttoned boots resting on the fender, and a black silk apron with pockets; there were books and a slate upon the rug, and a slate pencil and lead pencil in one of the apron pockets; a sheet of note paper had slipped from her lap down to the rug, on the sheet of paper was a half-finished letter beginning: "Dear Morris."

There was an old sweet-toned bell in front of the western door, and a half-finished sculpture of the "Descent from the Cross" over it.

In these efforts, her father and mother, and Beulah, had uniformly pronounced her success to be far beyond their hopes; but Maud, herself, had thrown them all aside, half-finished, dissatisfied with her own labours.

The axes of the wood-choppers were next heard, coming out of the forest, cutting fuel for the approaching winter; and a half-finished ditch had its workmen also, who were soon busy casting up the soil, and fashioning their trench.

I saw the latter shake his head, raising his half-finished cigarette as much as to indicate his preference for that branch of smoking.

The place was comfortably furnished, and an easel with a half-finished seascape on it bore eloquent witness to the purity of its tenants' motives.

Instantly Trenck put an end to the half-finished task with a sword thrust.

They pull down the scaffolding from the half-finished edifice; they point to the flying dust, the falling bricks, the comfortless rooms, the frightful irregularity of the whole appearance; and then ask in scorn where the promised splendor and comfort is to be found.

Walters rose and left the half-finished cigar and the mint with the ice melting in it on the table.

The youngest there, his cheeks still browned by the sea-breezes, was dreaming over his half-finished exercise of a beach on the Normandy coast and the sand-castles he and his friends used to build, to see them swept away presently by the waves of the rising tide.

But I fear that such subjects are somewhat outside the range of a hussar.' I was about to answer that if they were good enough for a guerilla, they could not be too much for the light cavalry, but he was already stooping over his half-finished verse.

The restlessness occasioned by these half-finished studies brought on a severe fit of self-examination.

The small room which opens into this luxurious sitting-room has a high north window, and near it stands Fred's easel, with a half-finished head on a canvas.

I tore the half-finished letter to shreds, and consigned it to the kitchen fire.

Mr Hawden had come off second-best, so he arose from his half-finished meal and stamped out, banging the door after him, and muttering something about "a disgustingly spoilt and petted tomboy", "a hideous barbarian", and so forth.

The sense of her own fruitlessness drove home to her breast, of living without solution, realizing that all her fluent emotions, lovely ideals, all her sympathies, dreams and labors, should end with her own tired hands; that she must know the emptiness of every aspiration, while half-finished women everywhere were girdled with children....

They pull down the scaffolding from the half-finished edifice; they point to the flying dust, the falling bricks, the comfortless rooms, the frightful irregularity of the whole appearance; and then ask in scorn where the promised splendour and comfort are to be found?

The great Woordenboek der Nederlandsche Taal was commenced in 1852; its first volume, AAjuin, was published in 1882, and it is not yet quite half-finished.

At the gate she stopped between the half-finished stone posts and looked ahead with the first shiver of dismay.

She comes to my Hands just as Nature left her, half-finished, and without any acquired Improvements.

A half-finished bridge, apparently of ancient date, projects rudely into the middle of the stream; we passed through another more modern, though somewhat difficult to shoot; our voyage the whole day having been made under a succession of bridges, many upon the suspension principle, and extremely light and elegant.

The youthful enthusiasm which had at first lifted the most ineffectual trial, the most useless essay, to the plane of actual achievement, died out, leaving them only the dull, prosaic record of half-finished ditches, purposeless shafts, untenable pits, abandoned engines, and meaningless disruptions of the soil upon the Lone Star claim, and empty flour sacks and pork barrels in the Lone Star cabin.

A few acres of land, a half-finished house and an uncertain claim upon a school-teacher!

"My dear fellow, I've dozens of half-finished studies, any one of which will answer the purpose.

59 examples of  half-finished  in sentences