2902 examples of half an hour in sentences

At the end of half an hour some of them looked haggard.

When half an hour or more had passed, the old soldier said to me, in a more kindly tone than I had ever suspected he could use: "The lad is eatin' his heart out, an' all to no purpose.

For half an hour the two talked earnestly and furtively.

We had only been in our new position half an hour when Nikolai, my head hunter, gripped my arm and pointed high up on the mountain in the direction in which we had been watching.

Soak the agar-agar in cold water for half an hour and then thoroughly squeeze.

In half an hour the engine was taken back, and Ben went home with his mother.

By the time they reached the house Mr. Hardy entertained views on homicide which would have appeared impossible to him half an hour before.

In half an hour the town is a roaring furnace, and by the next day nothing is left but the bare walls.

After walking for half an hour you come to a bit of high ground, where you have often stood before, and, resting your gun against a wall, you gaze at the view beyond.

We're not to stay in more than ten minutes at a time, and then get out and run around for half an hour in the sun.

The weather thickened at these moments; and there were intervals of half an hour at a time, when we could not see a hundred yards from the boat, on account of the drizzling, misty rain that filled the atmosphere.

At the end of half an hour she heard the low tones of conversation change to the brisk notes of leave-taking.

For half an hour the efforts continued, and then the Roundheads, having lost over fifty men, fell back.

So unwilling was May to disturb the habits of the family that, half an hour after her arrival, the homely three had fallen into a state of nervous agitation, and could neither say nor do anything natural to them.

The German artillery methodically searched the exposed portion of the road for about half an hour.

That place must have been a hell for half an hour or more.

It was after half an hour of the vigorous exercise and as Mr. Calvert stopped for an instant to take breath and pay his respects to Madame de Flahaut, who had ventured upon the ice in a chair-sleigh surrounded by her admirers, that Monsieur de St. Aulaire again presented himself before him.

When the emperor had done speaking, on a sudden there arose among his Germans a very wondrous and strange uproar, which lasted half an hour before it was appeased; and then one amongst them, bidden to answer for all, said that they were not folks to be set afoot or so to go up to a breach, and that their condition was to fight like gentlemen, a-horseback.

Now, in half an hour I fancy you can read fifteen or twenty pages of Burke; or you can read one of Wordsworth's masterpiecessay the lines on Tintern; or say, one-thirdif a scholar, in the original, and if not, in a translationof a book of the Iliad or the Aeneid.

" The way was open for the dispatch, and in less than half an hour the operator at Olney was writing out the message which would take Melinda back to Davenport as fast as steam could carry her.

Half an hour ago I was going to put my pony in its stable when I see a young man sitting there waiting.

"I s'pose," said the diplomatic Mr. Hogg, who was well acquainted with his neighbour's tidy and methodical habits"I s'pose you couldn't lend me your barrow for half an hour?

In deference to the gale, the landlord sat up half an hour later than was his custom.

Harriet and I sat for half an hour in another room.

Half an hour later she came down and drove to the Hardages'.

2902 examples of  half an hour  in sentences