14 examples of hammurabi in sentences

Sargon of Akkad and Naram Sin ruled the whole Sawâd as early as 2500 B.C.; Hammurabi, in 1900, already ruled it from Babylon; and the capital has never shifted more than sixty miles since then.

Men of law: from Hammurabi to Holmes.

Men of law: from Hammurabi to Holmes.

What is easier than sitting before a comfortable steam radiator and reading an etymological dictionary or the Laws of Hammurabi?

The moral code of decent people is practically the same all over the terrestrial ball, and fundamentally it has not changed since the days of Hammurabi.

I Perkins' definitionBurr's "Servants of Satan"The monkish ideaThe ancientness of witchcraftIts universalityIts regulationWhat it wasIts oldest recordThe Babylonian SteleIts discoveryKing Hammurabi's Code, 2250 B.C.Its character and importanceHebraic resemblancesIts witchcraft lawThe test of guiltThe water test.

It is a remarkable code, quickly made available through translation and transliteration by the Assyrian scholars, and justly named, from its royal compiler, Hammurabi's code.

" It is, however, with only one of King Hammurabi's wise laws that this inquiry has to do, and it is this: "If a man has placed an enchantment upon a man, and has not justified himself, he upon whom the enchantment is placed to the Holy River (Euphrates) shall go; into the Holy River he shall plunge.

WINTHROP'S History of New England; STILES' History of Windsor; Blue Laws, True and False (TRUMBULL); PERKINS' Discourse; The Literature of Witchcraft (BURR); Hammurabi's Code; Cent.

The most striking example of the pre-Mosaic formulation of custom into law under the sanction of the deity is found in the so-called code of Hammurabi, which comes from about 1900 B.C. At the top of the stele which records these laws this enlightened king depicted himself in a bas-relief as receiving them from the sun god, Shamash.

Hammurabi looked upon himself as a shepherd chosen by the gods to care for his people.

As already noted, the code of Hammurabi is represented as having been given to him directly by the god Shamash.

The recently discovered code of Hammurabi, which comes from the twentieth century B.C., was inscribed in parallel columns on a stone monument.

Let him see the law he seeks, and may he draw in his breath and say: 'This Hammurabi was to his people like the father that begot them!'

14 examples of  hammurabi  in sentences