1278 examples of hand over in sentences

" Steinmetz passed his broad hand over his forehead as if dazed.

" "As you please," I answered, sure of her choice, and well content to see her hand over her cares to Eunané, who, if she lacked the wisdom and forbearance of Eveena, could certainly hold the reins with a stronger hand.

I suppose it was the interest he took in it that made him hand over this cabin, when he learned that his plans for staying here could never be carried out.

Ida drew a long breath and passed her hand over her brow.

Weak- kneed, he passed a trembling hand over his incredulous eyes; with the courage of despair, he feebly pinched himself.

"Don't be afraid," cried Félicité; and murmuring a sort of lament she passed her hand over the back of the nearest ox; he turned away and the others followed.

He is very inattentive, and often passes his hand over his forehead, and starts up as if something agitated him.

Frequently, however, the proprietor preferred to let his winter pasture to a large sheep-owner, or to hand over his flock of sheep to a lessee who was to share the produce, stipulating for the delivery of a certain number of lambs and of a certain quantity of cheese and milk.

For Bothwell was no ambassador, but an exile; and his real mission to King Frederick was in pursuit of a design to hand over the northern Scottish isles to Denmark, and become viceroy of them.

A large Danish war vessel approached the port of Bergen, with prisoners to hand over to the castellanthe new castellan, for old Erick Rosenkrantz was dead.

Since high license went into operation, I am making money hand over fist.

It is quite impossible to hand over this strongly anti-Prussian population to Hohenzollern masters.

She took off the dusty black velvet hat, passed a hand over her hair with a gesture that was more tired than tidy, and sat back, her eyes shut, her body inert, her head sagging on her breast.

She carried seventy-five European seamen, sixteen lascars, and thirty soldiersunruly fellows who wanted a firm hand over them.

I was afraid that he might wish to read the results nightly to either father or Evan, but no, he keeps them safely under lock and key in a great teacher's desk that he bought second hand over in town.

Here he furtively brushed a hand over his eyes.

He passed his hand over his eyes.

"Alas!" said Lady Pippinworth, putting her hand over her own.

He remembered, perhaps, at that time how that, sixteen years before, in writing to his lieutenant-general in Poitou to hand over to Balue, Bishop of Evreux, the property of a certain abbey, he said, "He is a devilish good bishop just now; I know not what he will be here-after.

Tom, with his hand over his eyes so as not to cheat, as he agreed, would see nothing, and did see nothing of the work of the little boy.

"Yolanda, this princess is nothing to me, and I swear to you that I will never ask her to marry" A frightened gleam came to the girl's eyes when she understood the oath that Max was about to take, and she quickly placed her hand over his mouth.

Mrs. Underwood gave me a searching glance, then reached over and laid her warm, firm hand over mine.

Yet to hand over this bright singing bird, so exquisite, so rare, so fitted for purposes of exposition, to the keeping of a mere male being of unfortunate contiguity, to permit him to carry her into the seclusion of an ordinary home to wait on him and regulate her life according to his whim, was really too fantastic for consideration.

" "Tcheetcheetchee," said the hapless Mr. Boxer, putting his hand over his mouth and making noble efforts to restrain himself; "tcheetch "I s'pose you'd ha' laughed more if I 'ad been bit?" said the glaring Mrs. Gimpson.

I passed my hand over my forehead.

1278 examples of  hand over  in sentences