8 examples of handcarts in sentences

Ox wagons, bundles and babies on dog-drawn carts or on men's backs, bicycles and handcarts laden with kitchen utensils, all mingled with the human stream.

The centre of the opening was occupied by a small pond, not more than a dozen yards across, by the side of which stood a builder's handcart.

Near Santa Lucia she passed a wretched vender of strung filberts and doubtful cakes, mounting guard over his poor little handcart with a dilapidated umbrella, under the half-shelter of a projecting balcony.

Such as could not afford a "prairie schooner," as the canvas-covered wagon was called, put their worldly goods into handcarts.

A very old priest, too feeble to walk, was trundled by two young priests in a handcart.

The regulations of the possession and storage of combustibles were severe, even a wagon or handcart containing as little as one can of kerosene being compelled to fly a red flag.

From this brief review of the natural features of the country, some idea may be formed of the intensity of the religious enthusiasm which has induced fifty thousand Mormon converts to traverse it, many of them on foot and trundling handcarts, to seek a home among the valleys of Utah, in a region hardly more propitious; and some idea, also, of the difficulties which were to attend the march of the army.

In the afternoon boys go about with handcarts from house to house collecting fuel, such as sticks, brushwood, old besoms, and so forth.

8 examples of  handcarts  in sentences