8 examples of handy-man in sentences

Potts the handy-man was a talker, too, and a good second.

And with his grimy euchre-deck he kept his word, showing that he was not the mere handy-man, but the magician of the party.

The only person he wasn't sworn friends with was the handy-man, and there came to be a legend current in the camp, that Kaviak's first attempt at spontaneously stringing a sentence under that roof was, "Me got no use for Potts.

We meant to stay out until the Bredes had taken their departure; but we returned just in time to see Pete, the Jacobus darkey, the blacker of boots, the brasher of coats, the general handy-man of the house, loading the Brede trunks on the Jacobus wagon.

However, to find employment in a community where there were two men to one job was not easy, but happilyor unhappilyBill had a smattering of many trades, and eventually there came an opening as handy-man at a mine.

" That evening Black Jack called upon the handy-man to help with the clean-up, and put him to tend the water while he and Denny, under the watchful eye of the owner's representative, lifted the riffles, worked down the concentrates, and removed them from the boxes.

But Aurora dust was fine, and the handy-man's profits were scarcely worth the risks involved in taking them.

The handy-man fell asleep with a smile upon his lips.

8 examples of  handy-man  in sentences