97 examples of hard to see in sentences

The reading of the passage is uncertain; "sister" is only a conjecture, and it is hard to see why his sister should be mentioned.

It is hard to see how even Carthaginians could have been more cruel, more grasping, more corrupt than the Roman rulers of the provinces.

Evelyn, who was not without a sense of humor, would have enjoyed it all, and laughed at them, even if she could not laugh with them, if she could have forgotten that they were her husband's brothers, but it is very hard to see the humorous in the grotesque behavior of those to whom we are "bound by the ties of duty," if not affection.

The eggs are coloured and marked so that they are hard to see among the stones which surround them.

How it first came about it is hard to see.

It is hard to see just how we are to re-fashion this impossible society in terms even nearly approaching the normal and the human.

And, in spite of the deference due to Lord Palmerston's great experience, it is hard to see how a conversation between our Foreign Secretary and the French Ambassador on an action, the result of which is as yet undecided, can be wholly unofficial, in the sense of having no influence on the conduct of affairs, or, as he expressed it, "in no degree or way fettering the action of the government.

Indeed, it was hard to see why he had left the flower alone, but he had a vague feeling that it was unfair to use a charming girl in a dark intrigue.

Thorn understood that Osborn made him some allowance, but it was hard to see how the young man was able to belong to his rather expensive club.

But he is also an unruly individualist, a reckless despiser of accepted morality; and it is hard to see how his relation with Gretchen, which forms by far the largest part of the Ur-Faust, can lead to anything but a tragic catastrophe.

It was not hard to see that in a pinch they would be solid behind their foreman.

It was hard to see what might have been seen in her face because at that moment the chief thing seen was astonishment.

"I tried pretty hard to see you!"

And I find it hard to see how we can reconcile the intermittency of competitive employment with the unremitting demands of a civilised life except by the intervention of the State or of some public organisation capable of taking very wide views between the business organiser on the one hand and the subordinate worker on the other.

But they have seldom stated, and it is hard to see, why.

Where the loss to romance comes in in these admirable new arrangements of modern commerce it is hard to see.

Scrubbed the skin off his nose, brushed his teeth till they bled, Tweaked his ears, rapped his knuckles, and gleefully said, "Gunther Augustus Agricola Gunn, There'll be a difference when I get done!" After that young Agricola strove hard to see How very, how heavenly good he could be! Wiped his feet at the door, tipped his hat to the preacher, Caressed his small sister whene'er he could reach her!

The spotted patterns in the forests, and perhaps even in the marshes which the jaguars so frequently traversed, are probably a shade less conspicuous than the monochrome red and gray, but the puma and jaguarundi are just as hard to see, and evidently find it just as easy to catch prey, as the jaguar and ocelot.

It's ve'y hard to see the house turned out of the windows, and the lawns and gardens cut to pieces by hoofs and wheels, but I'm only too thankful that Curt can find shelter under this roof, and nothing matters any mo' as long as he and Stephen are alive and well.

It is not hard to see how men come to be "repeaters."

It was hard to see how two of them would get into that small domain, a kitchen about ten feet square, half filled by a cook-stove, shelves, and the steep, narrow, open stairs which led to the upper deck; but what a kingdom that little kitchen was to me!

Tarlac While the failure of Messrs. Wilcox and Sargent to learn of the relations between the Tagalogs of Macabebe and their neighbours, or of the fact that people were being publicly tortured in Pampanga, is perhaps not to be wondered at under the circumstances, it is hard to see how they could have failed to hear something of the seriously disturbed conditions in Tarlac if they so much as got off the train there.

He insisted on those features, neither few nor unimportant nor hard to see, which proved the continuity of the English Church with the Church Universal.

Christendom was not, could not be pretended to be, what it had been in the fourth century; and whichever way men looked the reasons were not hard to see.

But as it cannot be suggested that in, say, 1600 it was generally known that Shakespeare was not the author of these plays, it is hard to see how his contemporaries can be acquitted of indifference to his prodigious superiority over themselves.

97 examples of  hard to see  in sentences