43 examples of harken in sentences

But to read a single page or harken for thirty seconds to oral discourse with our minds intent on such states of wedlock is to convince ourselves that they abound.

But see, they comming are; how they agree Heere will I harken; shroud me, gentle tree.

And moves you not the misery of a Prince? O stay, my friends, stay, harken to the voyce Which once yee knew.

When she harkened to the wind that rattled in the chimney and dislodged the tiles on the roof, she imagined that he was being buffeted by the same storm, perched on top of a shattered mast, with his whole body bent backward and covered with sea-foam; or,these were recollections of the engraved geographyhe was being devoured by savages, or captured in a forest by apes, or dying on some lonely coast.

"Yet since so much thou seemst to rue my griefe, And car'st for one that for himselfe cares nought, (Sign of thy love, though nought for my reliefe, For my reliefe exceedeth living thought,) 95 I will to thee this heavie case relate: Then harken well till it to end be brought, For never didst thou heare more haplesse fate.

And by that we had come unto sleep, it was twenty good hours since last we had slumber; and truly we did be very wearied; but yet came unto our rest with our spirits set anxious to harken on danger the while that we did sleep.

And, indeed, I was all shaken in my courage; for it did be the shouting of giants that I heard; and you do know somewhat of the utter horror and terror that did be alway in the heart that did harken unto those monstrous voices, for you do know my tale.

V. hear, overhear; hark, harken; list, listen, pay attention, take heed; give an ear, lend an ear, bend an ear; catch, catch a sound, prick up one's ears; give ear, give a hearing, give audience to. hang upon the lips of, be all ears, listen with both ears. become audible; meet the ear, fall upon the ear, catch the ear, reach the ear; be heard; ring in the ear &c (resound) 408.

Ia. I, my Lord, for we have better newes for you to harken after.

"It is said," old Gnob piped on, "that he has harkened to the speech of the white man up at the Big House, and that he bends head to the white man's god, and, moreover, that blood is displeasing to the white man's god.

"And his word was harkened to, and we Whitefish became known for our dogs, which were the best in the land.

And now you shall hear how it befell Sir Tristram thereafter; so harken to what followeth.

In listning after bawdery; I see, let a Lady live never so modestly, she shall be sure to find a lawful time, to harken after bawdery; your Prince, brave Pharamond, was so hot on't.

"Mike," said Seraphina to her brother, who was now raking the grass near the kitchen window, "did you hear dat ar ole cook a talkin' jes' now?" "No," said Mike, "I hain't got no time to harken to people talkin', 'cept they're talkin' to me, an' it 'pends on who they is whether I listens then or not.

He will ask you to harken to the "going in the mulberries," and if you say you don't hear he is surprised.

He would die, but asserting himself, killing the woman, destroying his idol when it would not harken to his entreaties!

With the cup half lifted he harkened.

Tremblingly the book slid into the drawer, inner and outer lock clicked whisperingly, and gliding to a door she harkened for any step of the household, while she drank the strains, her bosom heaving with equal alarm and rapture.

Harken, for I am afraid!

'Fear not (good master), I will harken and attend, upon the head and if it do chance to speak, I will call you; therefore, I pray take you both your rest and let me alone for watching this head.'

Like the Scotch girl in the besieged fortress of India, I felt like laying my ear to the ground, to harken for the sound of the bagpipes, the tramp of the Campbells coming.

Harken, O you wise men and sachems!

Heart, 'tis fatal thus to harken, Let not fear thy courage darken, Though the past be all regretting And the future helpless fretting.

My end cometh presently, And thou shalt harken my latest word And write down my will for me: "'Twas on the day of Bannockburn, When Scotland's star rose high, 'Twas on the day of Bannockburn That a vow to God vowed I; "I vowed that, should He defend my right And give me the victory there, With a thousand lances I'd go to fight For His holy sepulchre.

There where the leaves are turning, I harken with reverent ear; All that is growing or dying, Fading or blooming, I hear.

43 examples of  harken  in sentences