811 examples of harmonious in sentences

Blank verse is certainly better adapted to tragedy than rhymed alexandrines, but then the French language does not admit of blank verse, and to write tragedies in prose, unless they be tragedies in modern life, would deprive them of all charm; but after all I find the harmonious pomp and to use a phrase of Pope's "The long majestic march and energy divine" of the French alexandrine, very pleasing to the ear.

Such are the difficulties a French poet has to struggle with; he must unite the most harmonious sound with the finest thought.

For a harmonious system of thoughts is conceivable which would either not apply to reality at all, or, if applied, would completely fail.

The summum bonum, or supreme good, will then be the ideal of the harmonious satisfaction of all purposes.

When all the powers of the mind are brought out into harmonious action, the acquirement of knowledge be comes pleasurable.

Fled are those times when in harmonious strains The rustic poet praised his native plains: No shepherds now, in smooth alternate verse, Their country's beauty or their nymphs' rehearse; Yet still for these we frame the tender strain, Still in our lays fond Corydons complain, And shepherds' boys their amorous pains reveal, The only pains, alas!

Schiller brings the contrary impulses of the ego into ultimate harmonious union in artistic activity.

Whatever in the latter is perfect, rational, harmonious, and purposive is the work of the understanding; the irrational remainder, on the other hand, conflict and lawlessness, abortion, sickness and death, originates in the dark ground.

It is all beautiful, calm and harmonious; and if one is tempted to mourn the absence of life and local colour, one has only to visit an abandoned Medersa to see that, but for French intervention, the charming colonnades and cedar chambers of the college of the Oudayas would by this time be a heap of undistinguished rubbishfor plaster and rubble do not "die in beauty" like the firm stones of Rome.

I am afraid his married life was not altogether harmonious.

It is not surprising, therefore, that the system should be deficient in the symmetry and simplicity essential to the harmonious working of its several parts, and require a careful revision.

In both departments the great prizes are not won by the most astounding special powers, but by a certain harmonious adaptation.

The regions of the world most garlanded with glory and romance, Attica, Provence, Scotland, were originally more barren than Massachusetts; and there is yet possible for us such an harmonious mingling of refinement and vigor, that we may more than fulfil the world's expectation, and may become classic to ourselves.

One cannot fail to admire its unaffected dignity, its harmonious balance, its graceful proportions.

It was clear that he drew a profound tranquillity from the thought that he was a part of the vast and harmonious whole.

Its members are men as individual and various in their gifts, as they are harmonious and manly in their mutual recognition and fellowship.

If it is ever used for the ends of government, it has to be incessantly watched, or it corrupts the sources of the public virtue and agitates the country with questions unfavorable to the harmonious and steady pursuit of its true interests.

The impressive ceremony which thus excludes youth and beauty in a cloister, closes with the solemn notes of the organ, accompanied by the harmonious voices of the nuns as they conduct their new sister to her lonely cell.

The pibroch's sound grew louder; and now the bands of the more distant regiments were heard; and the harmonious bugles of the rifle corps, mingled their sounds with the others.

But if the colors, even though primaries, were of some very dark or very light shade, they become harmonious.

There had also trodden the master spirits of German songthe giant twain, with their scarcely less harmonious brethren: they, too, had gathered inspiration from those scenesmore fervent worship of nature and a deeper love for their beautiful fatherland!

Mr. Vulliamy, the architect for the Institution, has thrown into this front the true spirit of the originals; and the effect which the harmonious proportions of the building produce on the spectator, when viewing it from Chancery-lane, must have been the result of much observation and experience in ancient and classic models.

Of modern men, I know only Baron Leys and Delacroix who possessed to the same degree the power of spontaneous, harmonious composition, except Turner in landscape; all other modern art has, to my mind, more or less of the pose plastique, the air of the tableau vivant.

I don't like to break the harmonious feeling which now exists between us for the sake of a few worthless things, but I know that it does more harm than good to pass over an offence with the natives of these regions, for they attribute our forbearance to fear.

His trousers were rolled high, after the fashion of the day, to show dark red socks of the same color as his tie and of a shade harmonious to the stripe in the pattern of shirt and suit and to the stones in his cuff links.

811 examples of  harmonious  in sentences