5 examples of harpalus in sentences

Harpalus flees from Babylon with immense treasures, which he conveys to Athens.

Demosthenes, who was accused by the Macedonians of being privy to the looting of the treasury by Harpalus, after the battle of Crannon fled to Calauria; he was captured by the Macedonian troops and thereupon poisoned himself.

Hania, ii. Hanniball, i. Harpalus, iv.

The opening stanzas may be quoted as conveying a fair idea of the whole, which sustains its character of sprightly elegance for over a hundred lines, ending with the luckless Harpelus' epitaph: Phylida was a fayer mayde, And fresh as any flowre: Whom Harpalus the herdman prayed To be his paramour.

Harpalus and eke Corin Were herdmen both yfere: And Phillida could twist and spin And therto sing full clere.

5 examples of  harpalus  in sentences