53 examples of hartog in sentences

Alan Baer Green & Julian Paul Brodie (A); 9Jan62; R288780. DEN HARTOG, J. P. Mechanical vibrations.

J. P. Den Hartog (A); 5Feb62; R290085. DENIS, THERESE. SEE Meersch, Therese Denis van der. DENNIS, MARY CABLE.

DEN HARTOG, J. P. Mechanical vibrations.

J. P. Den Hartog (A); 22Apr68; R433752.

By J. P. Den Hartog.

J. P. Den Hartog (A); 2May77; R660826.

Alan Baer Green & Julian Paul Brodie (A); 9Jan62; R288780. DEN HARTOG, J. P. Mechanical vibrations.

J. P. Den Hartog (A); 5Feb62; R290085. DENIS, THERESE. SEE Meersch, Therese Denis van der. DENNIS, MARY CABLE.

By J. P. Den Hartog.

J. P. Den Hartog (A); 2May77; R660826.

Anchor in Dirk Hartog's Road, at the entrance of Shark's Bay.

Anchor in Dirk Hartog's Road, at the entrance of Shark's Bay.

The next morning we saw that part of Dirk Hartog's Island which lies in 25 degrees 56 minutes, and when we had reached within four miles of the shore steered to the northward parallel to the beach, but the haze was still so great as to render the land very indistinct.

At one o'clock Cape Inscription, the north-westernmost point of Dirk Hartog's Island, was distinguished and the sea-breeze veered as far as South-West by West, which was two points more westerly than we had hitherto had it.

At two o'clock the brig passed round the cape and, as there was an appearance of good shelter in the bay to the eastward of it, we hauled in and at half-past three o'clock anchored in twelve fathoms fine gravelly soft sand; the west point of Dirk Hartog's Island (Cape Inscription) bearing North 82 degrees West, and the low sandy point that forms its north-east end South 53 degrees West, at a mile and a half from the shore.

Upon rounding the cape two posts were descried upon its summit, which we conjectured to be those on which the French had affixed a record of their visit, as well as the more ancient one of the Dutch navigators, Dirk Hartog and Vlaming; for they were very conspicuously placed and appeared to be in good preservation.

The rocks of Dirk Hartog's Island are of a very remarkable formation, consisting of a congeries of quartzose sand, united in small circular kernels by a calcareous cement in which some shells were found embedded.

As an anchorage during the summer months Dirk Hartog's Road has everything to recommend it, excepting the total absence of fresh water which, according to the French, was not found in any part of Shark's Bay; the anchorage is secure and the bottom clear of rocks.

Of shells there was not a great variety; a chama (Tridacna gigas, Lam.) a pinna, and the trochus (caerulescens) of Dirk Hartog's Island; but at one of the fireplaces they found a very large voluta that seemed to have served the purpose of a water-vessel; it was fifteen inches long and ten inches in diameter.

DIRK HARTOG'S ISLAND, west of Shark's Bay.

The chief difference of these rocks seems to arise from the nature of the cemented substances; which, in the Guadaloupe stone, being themselves calcareous, are incorporated, or melted as it were, into the cement, by insensible gradation;* while the quartzose sand, in that of Dirk Hartog's Island, is strongly contrasted with the calcareous matter that surrounds it.

ROTTNEST ISLAND, about four hundred and fifty miles south of Dirk Hartog's Island.

Two varieties of a calcareous rock, of the same nature with that of Dirk Hartog's Island; consisting of particles of translucent quartzose sand, united by a cement of yellowish or cream-coloured carbonate of lime, which has a flat conchoidal and splintery fracture, and is so hard as to yield with difficulty to the knife.

In this compound, there are not any distinct angular fragments, as in the stone of Dirk Hartog's Islands; but the calcareous matter is very unequally diffused.

At the greatest depth the ship was forty miles from the land, and twenty miles at the least, which was off Dirk Hartog's Island, at the south point of Sharks Bay.

53 examples of  hartog  in sentences