1950 examples of hasty in sentences

The prejudice I mean is a hasty persuasion, frequently found in the most amiable minds, that some peculiar strength of nerve, some rare mechanism of frame, and extraordinary assemblage of mental powers, are absolutely requisite for the execution of any noble design.

The chief aim of these few and hasty pages is to recall, at this particular time, to the liberal spirits of our countrymen that generous ardour with which they embraced the first idea of a public monument to HOWARD.

He took pleasure in withdrawing his hasty remarks, and in assuring the House that he profoundly venerated PETERS, and that PETERS had two perfect eyes of unusual expressiveness.

He had a tempera very hasty and passionate temper too, and one that troubled him a good deal; but he was on the watch for that to see it did not get the better of him.

After passing the sentry he stopped and took a good look at the building, then he had to beat a hasty retreat, and narrowly escaped capture; but by that time he had partly accomplished his object.

But wear and tear and the anxieties of business life had made old Mr. Smith often quick-tempered, and difficult to please; and the coming of Mr. "W.H." into the business was hailed with pleasure by the workmen: he was so full of tact and sympathy; and sometimes, when his father had raised a storm of ill-feeling by some hasty expressions, he was able to bring peace and calm by his pleasant and genial manner.

The blow was the cause of this act of bravery becoming known, and the big brother afterwards apologised for his hasty conduct.

"Youyou're sayin' a good many hasty things to-night, Hanna.

"Mighty hasty things.

Is eight years hasty?

Is eight years of buried-alive hasty?

Hers was no shallow nature to leap to a hasty conclusion and then forsake it for a later thought.

I am a little hasty sometimes, but you know my good Nature.

They had been such good friends as far back as she could remember; the bond between them had been such a close and strong one that it certainly could not be broken or even strained by a few hasty, passionate words, repented at once.

We made shelter for ourselves under the branches of the few trees that grew in the uncultivated ground on either side of the roadand a hasty erection, half tent half shed, was put up for a place to assemble in, or for those who were unable to bear the heat of the day or the occasional chills of the night.

We were a haggard, worn-eyed company, having had neither shelter nor sleep nor even food, save in hasty snatches.

People went about their business, exchanged a hasty and well-timed sciaô, (schiavo,) and gave up all genial intercourse.

But, notwithstanding the apparent certainty of a continuance of his amicable relations with England, whether it were that this fatal intelligence operated upon the bodily health of the King, or that his hasty journey homeward had overtaxed his strength, it is certain that on reaching Fontainebleau he had so violent an attack of fever as to be compelled to countermand the council which had been convened for the third day after his arrival.

All further rejoicings were, however, rendered unseasonable by the rapid increase of the plague, which having declared itself with great virulence at Fontainebleau, induced the hasty departure of the Court; and the illustrious guests having taken leave of the King and Queen laden with rich presents, their Majesties, with a limited retinue, repaired for a time to Montargis.

260 Then Palamon, with scarce recover'd breath, Thus hasty spoke: We both deserve the death, And both would die; for look the world around, A pair so wretched is not to be found; Our life's a load; encumber'd with the charge, We long to set the imprison'd soul at large.

The cat beat a hasty retreat into the arms of its protector who replaced it under his coat.

We make our hasty estimates from the face.

If you are a little hasty, no one can live with you.

The other two commissioners, while they would not have hesitated to join in a final report in case the state of the survey of the meridian line would have permitted it, are aware that the hasty manner in which their work was performed, in anticipation of completing the object of their appointment during the past year, leaves room for a more accurate examination of some parts of the lines they have surveyed.

"MY DEAR TROLLOPE,I write this hasty word, just as the post leaves, to ask you this question, which this moment occurs to me.

1950 examples of  hasty  in sentences