9434 examples of hate in sentences

I can just endure Moors, because of their connection as foes with Christians; but Abyssinians, Ethiops, Esquimaux, Dervises, and all that tribe, I hate; I believe I fear them in some manner.

I think I had an instinct that he was the head of an office, I hate all such people,accountants' deputy accountants.

But then, again, I hate the joskins, a name for Hertfordshire bumpkins.

Those fellows hate us.

You stare In the air Like a ghost in a chair, Always looking what I am about; I hate to be watchedI'll blow you out.

He may have reason to hate some employer, but why hate the job?

He may have reason to hate some employer, but why hate the job?

We want to make people like the churches, not hate them.

Young Malone had a double cause to hate England.

But I also left dry bones, and sons of dead men who will teach their grandsons how to hate the name of Rome!

" "I have thought of him only to hate him," said Pertinax.

I hate to see you standing about by yourself in this stupid manner.

"Any friend of Mr. Bingley's will always be welcome here, to be sure; but else I must say that I hate the very sight of him," said Mrs. Bennet, as she watched the two men approaching the house to pay their first visit.

Though, for our own individual share, we would rather go to the catacombs alone, than to a splendid view in a troop, we hate to balk young people!

By night, however, a stir of furtive life was to be surmised from cryptic lights that flared and faded behind the crusted window-glass or fell through opened floor-traps to the thick black element that swirled about the spiles, and from guarded calls as well, inarticulate cries of hate and love and pain, rumours of close and crude carousal.

The men and women of the fourteenth century love and hate, eat and drink, laugh and talk, as they do in the nineteenth.

"It would be so dreadful to have my son hate me!

Fierce men, fighters, toilers, full of hate, full of despair, full of rage, how can they be other than blind?

I hate to kill you, Nueces; but I will if you make a move.

I sure hate to give you fellows this good gold.

"A fellow does hate to lay down a bobtail straight flush when there's such a chance for action if he fills," chimed in the Eminent dealer.

But the spirit of revenge within me was stronger than myselfmy love had turned to hate.

Yet I could not quite hate you, Normannot quite.

On that night her love had changed to hate.

You belong to a class I hate and detesta class of tyrants and oppressors.

9434 examples of  hate  in sentences