17 examples of hatefull in sentences

Let not our cause (now Innocent) be soyld With such a plot, nor Pisoes name made hatefull.

O doe not drive me to those hatefull paines.

The fiery Sun was mounted now on Light 65 Up to the heavenly towers, and shot each where Out of his golden charet glistering light; And fayre Aurora, with her rosie heare, The hatefull darknes now had put to flight; When as the Shepheard, seeing day appeare, 70 His little goats gan drive out of their stalls, To feede abroad, where pasture best befalls.

Of such deep learning little had he neede, 385 Ne yet of Latine ne of Greeke, that breede Doubts mongst divines, and difference of texts, From whence arise diversitie of sects, And hatefull heresies, of God abhor'd.

That in this gardin where yong Clarion Was wont to solace him, a wicked wight, The foe of faire things, th'author of confusion, The shame of Nature, the bondslave of spight, 245 Had lately built his hatefull mansion; And, lurking closely, in awayte now lay, How he might anie in his trap betray.

At length the foolish flie, without foresight, As he that did all daunger quite despise, 390 Toward those parts came flying careleslie, Where hidden was his hatefull enemie.

Is your life hatefull to you? Bon.

We need never expect words and metre to do more than they do here: they, fondly thinking to allay Their appetite with gust, instead of fruit Chewed bitter ashes, which the offended taste With spattering noise rejected: oft they assayed, Hunger and thirst constraining; drugged as oft, With hatefullest disrelish writhed their jaws, With soot and cinders filled; or more than they do here:

What hellish spright ordain'd this hatefull feast That ends with horror thus and discontent?

And therefore I will place this hammer here, And take it as I follow Beech up staires, That suddenlie, before he is aware, I may with blowes dash out his hatefull braines.

Divels seeme Saints, and in these hatefull times, Deceite can beare apparraunt signes of trueth, And vice beare shew of vertues excellence.

But let that passe, when went your harebrainde sonne, That Cuckow, vertue-singing, hatefull byrde, To guarde the safetie of his better part, Which he hath pend within the childish coope Of young Pertillos sweete securitie? Sost.

As for our bodies, they shall be inter'd, In ravening mawes, of Ravens, Puttockes, Crowes, Of tatlin[g] Magpies, and deathes harbingers, That wilbe glutted with winde-shaken limmes Of blood-delighting hatefull murtherers.

Urge no replie, the fact is plainely prov'd, And thou art hatefull where thou wert belov'd.

Father, as you are princely in your birth, Famous in your estate, belov'd of all, And (which ads greatest glory to your greatnesse,) Esteemed wise, shew not such open folly Such palpable, such grosse, such mountaine folly; Be not the By-word of your neighbour Kings, The scandall of your Subjects, and the triumph Of Lenos, Macrios, and the hatefull stewes.

Quicklie dispatch, strangle this hatefull Lord.

All around the British guns were thundering forth their hymns of hatefull-throated now, for the hour for the next great assault was approaching.

17 examples of  hatefull  in sentences