9767 examples of hats in sentences

Their girl companions looked very trim and neat, dressed generally in black, their clothes fitting extremely wellmost of them bareheaded, but some had hats of the simplest descriptionnone of the flaunting feathers and bright flowers one sees on the boulevards.

The objects exposed in the way of screens, pincushions, table-covers, and, in the spring, hats made by some of the ladies, were so appalling that I was glad to have poor clothes to fall back upon, but I don't remember his ever carrying my purchases home with me.

Grevy, election of, to presidency; good figure cut by, in society; hats bestowed upon two Cardinals by; disappointment of, in the Republic; rivalry between Gambetta and; Queen Victoria's meeting with; feelings of regard for one another held by M. Waddington.

An opening of | | | | HANDSOME TRIMMED HATS, | | | | Latest Paris Style.

| | | | Millinery, Bonnets, & Hats | | Eligantly Trimmed, from Virot's and other | | Modletes of the highest Parisian standing.

With rain-coats, and thin splint hats cool, And bearing food, your herdsmen come.

In the old capital they wore T'ae hats and black caps small; And ladies, who famed surnames bore, Their own thick hair let fall.

"Biled shirts" poured out of them; socks and breeches, derby hats, coats and negligees; until Aunt Nancy with a humorous twist to her thin lips inquired if there were thirty men in this establishment and one woman.

They wear in their hats a single long feather.

Their hats decked with a mass of green cocks' feathers are familiar in illustrations.

At length, on the third day, at evening, they came to a village on the green with elms around it, and the people there all took off their hats, and made curtsies to my Lord Viscount, who bowed to them all languidly; and there was one portly person that wore a cassock and a broad-leafed hat, who bowed lower than anyone, and with this one both my lord and Mr. Holt had a few words.

Its skin is valuable as an article of commerce, being used for the making of hats.

The manners of these men were quiet, civil, and respectful, having a mixture of manly simplicity, with a proper deference for the years and station of the master of the house; though all but one, wore their hats.

I do know they are actually brought across the Atlantic dead; are stuck in ladies' hats.

They rented a comfortable, seven-room house in a comfortable, middle-class neighbourhood, and Terry dropped the red velvet turbans and went in for picture hats and paradise aigrettes.

When she went down town we noticed that her hats were more like the hats the other women in our town wore; but she still affected extravagant footgear, as is right and proper for a stout woman who has cause to be vain of her feet.

When she went down town we noticed that her hats were more like the hats the other women in our town wore; but she still affected extravagant footgear, as is right and proper for a stout woman who has cause to be vain of her feet.

By Thursday evening she was teasing Papa Gregg for a spray of white aigrets, such as those same languorous ladies wore in feathery mists atop their hats.

Just now small hats are distinctly passy.

Their hats were so smart that they gave you a shock.

Madame, he died there, while weeping soldiers clustered about with hats off and heads boweddied with your name on his pale lips-'My Pearl of great price,' he whispered, and all was over.

The officers and crews were dressed like fishermen from the northern coast with waterproof suits of one piece and oilskin hats.

Files of black tunics and hats with brimless crowns passed through the streets, near the Catholic priests or the rabbis with their long, loose gowns.

The same types from the army of the East crowded its sidewalks,English dressed in khaki, Canadians and Australians in hats with up-turned brims, tall, slender Hindoos with coppery complexion and thick fan-shaped beards, Senegalese sharpshooters of a glistening black, and Anammite marksmen with round yellow countenance and eyes forming a triangle.

Months before he had met them everywhere, filling the hotels and monopolizing the cafés,their green hats and open-neck shirts making them recognized immediately.

9767 examples of  hats  in sentences