5 examples of hatti in sentences

The details took some time to settle, but in November 1830 the hatti-sherif of the Sultan, acknowledging Milo[)s] as hereditary prince of Serbia, was publicly read in Belgrade.

It was quite another matter when Abdul Mejid, in the beginning of his reign, promulgated an imperial decreethe famous Tanzimat or Hatti Sherif of Gulkhanehwhich, amid many excellent and popular provisions for the continued reform of the administration, proclaimed the equality of Christian and Moslem subjects in service, in reward, and before the law.

Before the year was out Midhat presented himself before Abdul Hamid with a formal demand for the promulgation of a Constitution, proposing not only to put into execution the pious hopes of the two Hatti Sherifs of Abdul Mejid but also to limit the sovereign and govern the empire by representative institutions.

Hatti Sherif.

HATTI-SHERIFF, a name given to an edict of the Sultan which is irrevocable, though many a one of them has proved a dead letter.

5 examples of  hatti  in sentences