964 examples of haue in sentences

For although wee haue not any playne and expresse forbidding, where it should be sayd, Thou shalt not daunse, yet we haue a formall and plaine commaundement, Thou shalt not commit adultery, or whoredome: to which the daunses ought to be referred.

For although wee haue not any playne and expresse forbidding, where it should be sayd, Thou shalt not daunse, yet we haue a formall and plaine commaundement, Thou shalt not commit adultery, or whoredome: to which the daunses ought to be referred.

Now if one would aske me what daunses were: I wil answeare, that considering the sway which they haue at this day amongest us Cristians, they bee nothing else but impudent, shameles, and dissolute gestures, by which the lust of the flesh is awaked, stirred by, and inflamed, as wel in men as in women.

And S. Jude exhorteth us, to haue, yea and

Now that the sighte of all our senses is it which hath most force & strength to make us incline to uncleannes and filthynes, I will haue none other iudge but our Lord himselfe, when he hath uttered and spoken with his mouth, that hee which hath cast his eye uppon his neighbours wife, for to couet, desyre, and with her is already a whoremonger in his hart: [Sidenote: I John.

But for as much as all the former argumentes are founded and grounded upon that definition of daunses, which I haue before geuen and made, and that some men might deny it me, we must answeare that which they haue bene accustomed to obiect against it.

But for as much as all the former argumentes are founded and grounded upon that definition of daunses, which I haue before geuen and made, and that some men might deny it me, we must answeare that which they haue bene accustomed to obiect against it.

First of al I haue heard of some which denye daunses to be shamelesse and dissolute gestures, because that when they daunse, they do it not, but for a recreation of themselues and bodily exercise, yea that they use it as a certayne thing, which of itselfe is neither good nor euill.

Likewise let them say, that in daunsing they haue not any shamelesse or vilanous mynde, & affection, which notwithstanding, may not well, easily, or lightly be beleeued, yet so it is, yet daunses cease not to be called shamelesse gestures.

For if wee would in this matter refer our selues to them, which haue written of the antiquities, as well of the Grecians as of the Romains, yea, and that to some Poets, wee shall fynd how that daunses haue taken their begynning, from Pagans and Heathen men, which haue then first used them, when they did sacrifyce to their Gods.

For if wee would in this matter refer our selues to them, which haue written of the antiquities, as well of the Grecians as of the Romains, yea, and that to some Poets, wee shall fynd how that daunses haue taken their begynning, from Pagans and Heathen men, which haue then first used them, when they did sacrifyce to their Gods.

For if wee would in this matter refer our selues to them, which haue written of the antiquities, as well of the Grecians as of the Romains, yea, and that to some Poets, wee shall fynd how that daunses haue taken their begynning, from Pagans and Heathen men, which haue then first used them, when they did sacrifyce to their Gods.

Finally a short time after, men haue so far disordered themselues, and broken the bondes and limits of honesty, that men & women haue daunsed togeather, or as wee would say, in mingle mangle, and namely and specially in feastes and banquets, in so much that we see, that this wicked and ungodlye custome, hath stretched forth it selfe euen unto us, and hath yet, or already the sway at this daye, more then euer it had.

6.] Saint Augustine in his booke agaynst Petilian, speaketh in this manner: The Byshops haue always accustomed to represse and beate downe vayne and wanton daunses: but there are at this day some, which are found in daunses, yea, and they themselues daunse with women, so farre of is it, that they reproue, correct, or amend such a greate vice.

The third councel of Toletum, condemneth the peruerse and wicked custome of suche people which occupied themselues in vile and infected daunses: and aboue all uppon the Sondayes, and holy dayes when they should haue imployed themselues in the seruice of God.

It remaineth now to answeare them, who would serue themselues with certaine parcels and peeces of the scripture, in which mention is made, that the faithfull people haue daunsed.

For it is most certaine that there is as much difference betweene their daunses, and those which holy men haue used, as there is betwene mariage and fornication.

And if that women should take tabourets in their handes, as we read that the women of Israel haue done: would not men thinke that they were out of their witt: which notwihstanding was not found in thought straung among the Israelites, because this was the custome of the nation and people.

It is true, that a man may also referr the tabourets & other instrumentes of musicke to the ceremonies of Moyses law: which ceremonies haue bene abolished at the comming of Jesus Christ, in so much that at this day where we are under the Gospell, wee must use the same more soberly, and sparingly, & with greater modesty: but all that, hath nothinge common with the daunses of this present time or age.

For if Dauid hath had a like affection in his daunse, as they haue in theirs, that is to say, to please the gentlewoman and Ladies, as our daunsers endeuor, studye & deuise to please their minions and flattering dames, Michol his wife, had neuer mocked him.

He might then haue daunsed more pleasantly, and after a fashion more agreeable to the flesh: and for trueth, hee might haue done it beyng light or nimble by nature, and able or meete to do al thinges.

All which thinges beyng considered, I hope that diuers knowing what euil, and mischief there is in daunses, will giue them ouer and cast them away, thinking or supposing, that in that, that thei haue retained & fauoured them, euen unto this present, they haue rather done it thorowe ignoraunce, than thorowe stubburnesse or selfe will.

[Sidenote: kind of confession] in your lookes; which your modesties haue not craft enough to color, I know the good King and

[Sidenote: 72] Queene haue sent for you.

Nay then I haue an eye of you: if you loue me hold not off.

964 examples of  haue  in sentences