153 examples of hauteur in sentences

Tell me, Wyandotté, how came you to discover that Robert was a prisoner, and by what means did he contrive to give you his letter?" The Indian assumed a look of pride, a little blended with hauteur; for he felt that he was manifesting the superiority of a red-man over the pale-face, as he related the means through which he had made his discoveries.

He surveyed the man who addressed him with a touch of hauteur.

His next question came with hauteur and studied indifference.

This causes the lady to repel the insulting accusation with hauteur.

"I should think a gentleman might compose an epic poem without rendering himself amenable to insult, sir," says Miss Lavinia, with freezing hauteur.

The pilot was evidently displeased with being made "a lion" of, and gave vent to his feelings rather freely, while there was a curl of hauteur on his lip, that indicated a species of contempt for the company he was in.

"Because" said Miss Hugonin; and after giving this really excellent reason, reflected for a moment and strengthened it by adding, "Because" "See here," her father questioned, "what did you two quarrel about, anyway?" "II really don't remember," said she, reflectively; then continued, with hauteur and some inconsistency, "I am not aware that Mr. Woods and I have ever quarrelled.

"I suppose you don't happen to have milk, sugar, bread and butter, and an egg or two concealed about your person, do you?" "I am not a conjuror," said the stranger, resuming his hat with some hauteur.

" Zelma Burleigh, as she stood thus, a faint, regretful smile softening the habitual hauteur of her face, was beautiful, and something more; yet nobody in the country round about the Grange had ever dreamed of calling her "a beauty."

Le tourneur de son village s'était chargé de la chose; car l'art d'articuler un membre artificiel n'était pas arrivé à la hauteur qu'il a atteinte de nos jours.

à la hauteur du talent.

GRAND, E, qui est fort étendu dans ses dimensions; important; de taille élevé; qui excelle par le talent, etc. GRANDEUR, f., étendue en hauteur, largeur, longueur; sublimité; autorité; majesté.

HAUTEUR, f., élévation; fierté.

RAMPE, f., balustrade, à hauteur d'appui.

SOULEVER, élever à une petite hauteur; exciter.

It needs none of the parvenu's hauteur and pomp to support his dignity.

A remark about the crops falls on barren ground; a question concerning the dairy, ignorantly hazarded, is received with so much hauteur that at last you see such subjects are considered vulgar.

But they always insist that you are an iceberg, and am I so much to blame if that look of hauteur deceived me with the rest?

De Florence j'allai à Mont-Poulchan (Monte-Pulciano), château bâti sur une hauteur et entouré de trois côtés par un grand lac (le lac de Pérouse); à Espolite (Spoléte); à Mont-Flaschon (Monte Fiascone); enfin à Rome.

Seulement un matin, avant le lever du soleil, j'aperçus courir un animal à quatre pattes, long de trois pieds environ, et qui n'avoit guère en hauteur plus qu'une palme.

A l'extrémité de la ville est un beau château, construit sur une hauteur, et tout en glacis jusqu'au pied du mur.

The hauteur of the noblesse acted as a fatal equivalent to every other crime; and many, who did not credit other imputations, rejoiced in the humiliation of their pride.

The shades of this portraiture are an extreme of delicacy, bordering on fastidiousnessa trifle of hauteur, not in manners, but dispositionand, perhaps, a tincture of affectation.

" "That question we can discuss later on, Sir Marmaduke," said Sue now, with sudden hauteur.

Forsooth, I trust ..." "My money and my securities, sir," she interposed with obvious hauteur, "which I had last night and in this self-same room placed in the hands of Prince Amédé d'Orléans, my husband.

153 examples of  hauteur  in sentences