121 examples of have been studying in sentences

I must confess I am of your mind, and therefore have been studying a Revenge, sutable to the Affront: and if I can judge any thing, I have hit it.

" "I have been suspicious of young Jones from the first," said Arthur; "but I have been studying this boy's character, and he is positively incapable of the crimes you accuse him of, such as robbery and murder.

Bill may have been studying the trick out since his last failure, and I must admit that he's on the right trailthat is, if it was Bill who put this man up to making the claim.

After giving me imaginary wit and beauty, you give me imaginary passions, and you tell me I'm in love: if I am, 'tis a perfect sin of ignorance, for I don't so much as know the man's name: I have been studying these three hours, and cannot guess who you mean.

Dave, who had been studying the shore with the glass, handed it to Jarvis: "Do you see something like a village?"

In this way the few fragments of native Northumbrian literature, which we have been studying, were saved to the world.

When we consider Dickens's life and work, in comparison with that of the two great poets we have been studying, the contrast is startling.

To tell a colored roustabout twenty or thirty years ago to fetch a certain cargo, labeled with the name of a particular boat or consignee, would have been to draw from the individual addressed a genuine old-time plantation grin, with some caustic observation about lack of school facilities in the days when the roustabout ought to have been studying the "three Rs," but was not.

" "I have been studying him," I said, "and I think he is a born rascal, who ought to have been hung long ago.

and what, if the training of children had been studied as art, if the public looked on the teachers as artists, and treated them with the consideration they deserve?

C.A. Parsons, the inventor of the engine, worked out the idea that inventors have been studying for a long timesince 1629, in factthat is, the rotary principle, or the rolling movement without the up-and-down driving mechanism of the piston.

If the pundit had bribed the immigration authorities, as I had known many to do, he might now have been studying the strange religion and ethics which had caused the whites to steal so much of China, to force opium upon it at the cannon's mouth, to kill tens of thousands of yellow men, and to raise to dignities the soldiers and financiers whom he despised, as had Confucius and Buddha.

In common with thousands of others I have been studying your "plan of campaign."

The pages showed how much they had been studied, but no verse was more marked than the one Roy had given him.

My dear Gertrude,As I have to wait here for half an hour, I have been studying Bradshaw (most things, you know, ought to be studied: even a trunk is studded with nails), and the result is that it seems I could come, any day next week, to Winckfield, so as to arrive there about one; and that, by leaving Winckfield again about half-past six, I could reach Guildford again for dinner.

Wise and learned men have been studying, and finding out things for hundreds of years, about geography and natural historyand astronomy;about light, and heat, and electricityand steamand the telegraph, and many other things.

I have been studying the Bible on the subject of giving personal testimony, and think it makes this a plain duty.

This morning I decided to open with the Sermon on the Mount, and have been studying the first promise.

In this connection I have been studying our Arctic library to get details concerning snow hut building and the implements used for it.

Such exaggerations might have been avoided if, instead of talking about these plantations on the basis of a theoretical assumption, the results only had been studied in places where the eucalyptus abounds.

I have been studying you, and I see that you are a sensible, honest, plodding sort of fellow.

He dy'd, As one that had been studied in his death, To throw away the dearest thing he ow'd, As 'twere a careless trifle.

"The birds that you have been studying thus far, from the Bluebird, Robin, and Wood Thrush to the Tanagers, belong to several different families and are chiefly insect-eaters, taking various fruits and berries in season, it is true, but making insects their regular diet.

I have been studying a map of the battle-front, which I got by accident.

You must have been studying Bunyan, lately.

121 examples of  have been studying  in sentences