125 examples of haystacks in sentences

Houses, barns, haystacks, fences, trees, everything were prostrated, and to this day its track is visible in the swath it mowed through the old woods, from sixty to a hundred rods wide, plain and distinct still, for miles and miles.

"From village to village," says Colonel Buchan, "amid the smoke of burning haystacks and farmsteads, the French bayonet attack was pressed home.

Poor Enfield, that has been so peaceable hitherto, that has caught an inflammatory fever, the tokens are upon her; and a great fire was blazing last night in the barns and haystacks of a fanner about half a mile from us.

"The truth is, Mr. Dale, I burned down one of your haystacks about an hour ago.

You burned one of my haystacks?

I had walked every step of the way, sleeping under haystacks at night.

and a great fire was blazing last night in the barns and haystacks of a farmer, about half a mile from us.

One is good at destroying rations; the other at lowering haystacks and corn-bins.

Oh, if I had only half as many sheep, and pigs, and cows, and haystacks, as he has, how happy I should be!

You must imagine the pathetic efforts of hundreds of people to keep clean by washing in wayside streams or ditches; imagine babies going without milk because there was no milk to be had; families shivering in damp hedgerows or against haystacks where darkness overtook them; and you must imagine this not on one road, but on every road, for mile after mile over a whole countryside.

The minute men came hurrying in, and from farmhouses and hedges, from haystacks, and from behind trees and stone fences, they poured a deadly fire on the retreating British.

The blackened walls of what had once been prosperous farm-houses, haystacks turned into heaps of smoking carbon, fields slashed across with trenches, roads rutted and broken by the great wheels of guns and transport wagonsthese scenes were on every hand.

Huge haystacks dotted the plain, and the population seemed prosperous.

But the beautiful schoolhouse at Aluga and all the houses and churches on the planina and at Bukowitza, the haystacks which had so picturesquely dotted the plain, and which were to have furnished the winter subsistence of all the flocks of the region, were ashes.

Here and there some of them were dismounted, with their horses tethered, and from behind the cover of farmhouses or haystacks, looked across the country, with their carbines slung across their shoulders, as though waiting for any Uhlans that might appear that way.

Back of us in the wheat-fields shells were setting fire to the giant haystacks and piles of grain, which in the clear sunshine burned a blatant red.

Others slept in the lee of the haystacks, their red breeches and blue coats making wonderful splashes of color against the yellow grain.

To their surprise and relief, returning farmers found their big, conical haystacks untouched, though nothing could be more tempting to the wantonness of an army on enemy soil.

He pointed to the cattle which were standing among the haystacks on the opposite bank, and made signs that they must go and fodder them, and then they should return and get their supper.

When they had gained the opposite side, they pulled some hay for the cattlemade a show of collecting themand when they had gradually made a circuit, so that their movements were concealed by the haystacks, they took to the woods, which were close at hand, and made for the fort.

I rushed past him, and seeingnearer to me than the housesome immense haystacks with overhanging projections resulting from continued invasion by cattle, I was soon under their sheltering eaves.

They are simply conical log tents, elevated from the ground on four posts to secure their contents from the dogs, and resemble as much as anything small haystacks trying to walk away on four legs.

It is a proverbial saying in Siberia, that if you take a Yakut, strip him naked, and set him down in the middle of a great desolate steppe, and then return to that spot at the expiration of a year, you will find him living in a large, comfortable house, surrounded by barns and haystacks, owning herds of horses and cattle, and enjoying himself like a patriarch.

There were columns, there were haystacks, there were enormous bells, there were inverted jars, there were junk bottles, there were rustic seats.

Green meadows lined the water-runs, and fragrant haystacks rose.

125 examples of  haystacks  in sentences