16 examples of head-light in sentences

A freight-train was lumbering toward him and the head-light was almost at the station.

But the stern-light of a ship that sails before you is a head-light to you.

And nowMiss Priscilla had Anthea in her arms, and they were kissing each other, and murmuring over each other, as loving women will, while Small Porges stared at the car, and all things pertaining thereto, more especially, the glaring head-lights, with great wondering eyes.

There was still a certain amount to do before I could knock off, so, stopping for a moment to mix myself a well-earned whisky-and-water, I switched on the two electric head-lights which McMurtrie had provided as a means of illumination.

In the street the head-lights of the roadster shot divergent rays through the darkness.

Once Dr. Jallup, watching the dust that lay modeled in sharp lights and shadows under the head-lights, mentioned lack of rain.

The head-lights swept slowly around the cabins on the concave side of the street, bringing them one by one into stark brilliance and dropping them into obscurity.

At that moment, in the sweep of the head-light, Peter saw Viny Berry, one of Nan's younger sisters, coming up from Niggertown's public well, carrying two buckets of water.

The head-light pierces into the inky darkness, and frequently exaggerates the size of objects on and near the track.

Come, take another pull at the keg, to clear your head-lights, and tell us a bit of your ditty.

" At that moment through the window she sees the head-light of the train that is bearing Maurice Brennett away into the darkness.

Now, Lieutenant Halsey, this is a splendid head-light, and we can see a long way with my night glass, I will have a" "2d mile-post just passed," interrupted the engine-driver.

The great parabolic head-light illuminated the track a long way in advance, all behind it being of course in darkness.

For most of the way we drove without our head-lights through tunnels of darkness.

South-Paw uncurled his whip, and was in the act of pouring the leather into them, when that light was uncovered as big as the head-light of an engine.

Around this monster engine wuz electric head-lights throwin' dazzlin' beams in every direction.

16 examples of  head-light  in sentences