20 examples of heade in sentences

If then we would consider the issues, and effectes, which come from daunses, & the fayre or goodly fruites which they bring forth, we would neuer thinke, but that the heares would stand upright upon our very heades when the question is of daunsing.

the droppynge pilgrim saide; 'O let me waite within your covente dore, Till the sunne sheneth hie above our heade, And the loude tempeste of the aire is oer.

The following parallel is from Gascoigne's Prologue: "The verye name wherof may peraduenture driue into euerie of your heades, a sundrie Suppose, to suppose the meaning of our supposes."Collier.

Harvard Advocate. ~A Rambling Rhyme of Dorothy.~ When ye Crocuss shews his heade & ye Wyndes of Marche have flede, Springe doth come, and happylye Then I thinke of Dorothy.

Now by theis heavens above our wretched heades Ye are but cowards every one of you!

Whenas you shine wee spred our selves abroad And take our glory from your influence; And when you hide your face or darken yt With th'least incounter of a clowdy looke, Wee close our eies as partners of your woes, Droopinge our heades as grasse downe waid with due.

The men of the same countrey vse to haue their haire kempt, and trimmed like vnto our women: and they weare golden turbants vpon their heades richly set with pearle, and pretious stones.

And in dyspyghte of all your fearfull bells Of greatnes and aucthorytie, will tourne heade, Fly in thye bossome, and so stynge thee then That thou shalt curse thy beinge.

Yes, and your heade is lighter then your heeles.

Yes, that your heade is lighter then your heeles.

sc. 6), and Holinshead speaks of "Tom Drum his entertaynement, which is to hale a man in by the heade, and thrust him out by both the shoulders.

The haire of them is a yard long, the rumpe is aboue a spanne long: they vse to hang them for brauerie upon the heades of their Elephantes: they bee much vsed in Pegu and China: they buie and sell by scores vpon the ground.

they ['the' in source textKTH] passed the heades; The sixt they saw Heyssant, the 10. of April they passed by the Barles of Lisbon: With an East and North East wind, the 17. of Aprill they discouered two of the Islands of Canaries: The 19. Palm, and Pic, Los Romeros, and Fero: The 25. of Aprill they saw Bona visita, the 16.

At the first wee saw about thirtie of them, with weapons like pikes, with broade heades of Iron, about their armes they ware ringes of Elpen bones:

The King came abord our Pinnace to see it, and was as blacke as a Deuill, with two hornes made fast vpon his heade, and all his body naked like the rest of the countrey people.

The inhabitants are blacke and go naked, but the haire vpon their heades is not so much curled as those of the Mosambique, and they are not ful so blacke.)

Their apparell both of rich and poore is a cotton cloth, and some of silke about their middles, which they tie about them with a girdle, the vpper parte and from the knees downeward all naked: most of them goe bareheaded, but the principallest of them haue a wreath or Turkish roule about their heades, and some little cappes: Their priestes come out of Meca in Arabia, and are yellowe of colour:

The King went with more state then the King of Bantam: all his garde had pikes with heades of fine gold, and he sate in a wagon that that was drawen by two white Buffles.

The last of Iune we had the Sun right ouer our heades, and yet we felt no heat, for that by reason of the cold ayre we had a fine coole weather.

The 9. of August we entered the heades, and past them with a Southwest wind, sayling Northeast.

20 examples of  heade  in sentences