56 examples of headgear in sentences

" By the scarlet headgear, and a white symbol on the back of his jacket, the man at their feet was one of the musketeers.

It pleased Allerdyke, too, to see that the young man was attentive to his own personal appearancehis well-cut garments bore the undoubted stamp of the Savile Row tailor; the silk hat which covered his crop of sandy hair was the latest thing in Sackville Street headgear; from top to toe he was the smart man-about-town.

Ribet set to work; but we may fancy his surprise as the superficial impasto of Zincke washed off beneath the sponge, and Shakespeare became a female in a lofty headgear adorned with blue ribbons.

The old lady took off her night-cap, and replaced it with her ordinary headgear of lace and ribbons.

She turned, with a quick movement, to her wardrobe; pulled out and uncovered a bonnet-box which held a dainty headgear of the new spring fashion, and then took down from a hook and tossed upon it a silken garment that fluttered with fresh ribbons.

The race, the caste and often the province of a resident of India may be determined by his headgear.

Perhaps it may be as well for you to know that the fur cap, in the shape of a turban, which forms the headgear of the mountaineers and cossacks is called a "papakha," that the overcoat gathered in at the waist, over which the cartridge belt is hung, is called a "tcherkeska" by some and "bechmet" by others!

She saw the strange rouged faces, the impudent eyes, the showy headgear, flashing out among the obscure faces of poor women, and as she looked a filthy drunk began to rave, rose tottering, and staggered to the door and beat clanging upon it, all the while shrieking: "Buy me the dope, boys, buy me the dope!" Others pulled her back.

The carabineers, for example, wore uniforms of bottle-green and queer sugar-loaf hats of patent leather which resembled the headgear of the Directoire period.

But Mr. BONAR LAW declined to deprive the House of Commons in that way of one of its brightest ornaments; so the "Mad Hatter" will not be called upon just yet awhile to exchange his traditional headgear for a coronet.

Babbling girlish voices waked him from his revery, and half a dozen young figures, disguised in handsomely embroidered Japanese costumes and headgear, their eyes given the typical almond-shaped and upward slant by means of paint and pencil, came down the stairs, followed a moment later by a taller figure in still richer robes, and so carefully made up by powder and paint that at a distance she looked but little older than the girls.

There was lively cheering when they reappeared in this condition, such is the sympathy which is here displayed for affliction; but with Wilson much of the amusement arises from his peculiarly scant headgear and the confessed jealousy of those of us who cannot face the weather with so little face protection.

His smart blue bonnet, with sprig of holly and eagle's feather, was already recognised as the Scottish headgear.

He was wearing an old hat of the texture of the bit of headgear which the man who impersonates Napoleon at the music-hall doubles up and plays tricks with, only Dalrymple's hat had obviously been white and was now going green and other colours with wear and tear.

"In an evil moment some woman, imitating the savages, used a bunch of these feathers to make a tuft upon her headgear.

Hawkins' regiment, the 9th, is less conspicuous, wearing only the red headgear and facings, but Duryea's regiment is a sight!

I cried, purple with vexation, and still the abominable article of headgear remained jauntily perched over his square ugly face.

The warriors stopped, settled their headgear, and went away as quickly as the Nubian went to sleep again.

Ah, 'these dogs bare their teeth to fight more willingly than to eat.' It will come to hot work soon, I think!" Keenly he scanned the dunes, eager for sight of a white tarboosh, or headgear, at which to take a pot-shot.

The Arabs, warned by the death of the gaunt fellow in the burnous, had doffed their headgear.

Willie made the exchange of headgear. . . .

These semi-fortifications were erected by Bishop Ralph, who perhaps found that a mitre was as uneasy a headgear as a crown.

Even the Quakers themselves, who affect such supercilious contempt for dress, are very particular about the cut of their headgear, about the shade of their greys and their drabs and their browns, and, in their scrupulous neatness, show that they think as much of a grease-spot or a stain as many a damsel does of the ribbon in her cap or the set of her collar and cuffs.

No one can make bonnets, or indeed any kind of headgear, without one of those hideous figure-heads called "blocks," upon which the bonnet or the cap is made, without risk of injury.

She certainly had a very awful appearance to young apprehensions, from the strangeness of her headgear.

56 examples of  headgear  in sentences