2665 examples of healthy in sentences

"A nice healthy man's room, without too much furniture, and with plenty of books.

The pallor of her cheeks, which might have seemed like an inheritance of fragility, was counteracted by the softness of her skin and the healthy colour of her curving lips.

" "He had not the appearance," Wingate observed, "of being a healthy man.

Living much in the open air, and fond of the pleasures of the chase, they were generally healthy and robust.

And that is the case with all healthy-minded people.

But the natural decline of the physical powers leaves the healthy spirit untouched with age, should indeed leave it strengthenedglowing not with passion but with a steadier fire.

These things are the symptom of a diseased minda mind that has lost the healthy love of truth and nature, and has taken refuge in falsities and shams.

I should know that he did not allow it to get the whip hand of him, that he kept sane and healthy by running out to play, as it were, occasionally.

It is a healthy, open-air occupation that keeps the body exercised and the mind fallow.

Adj. healthy, healthful; in health &c n.; well, sound, hearty, hale, fresh, green, whole; florid, flush, hardy, stanch, staunch, brave, robust, vigorous, weatherproof. unscathed, uninjured, unmaimed^, unmarred, untainted; sound of wind and limb, safe and sound.

Adj. salubrious, salutary, salutiferous^; wholesome; healthy, healthful; sanitary, prophYlactic, benign, bracing, tonic, invigorating, good for, nutritious; hygeian^, hygienic.

Such a course of action would be like to a healthy man refusing substantial food, because when he was once weak in stomach his physician ordered him a severe diet.

And if a people under Providence are endowed with institutions that have given free play and healthy growth to the most useful and admirable powers of man, it is not for that people to boast of its race as better than other races, and thank God, like the Pharisee, that it is not as other men.

What grateful memories of tender childhood, what healthy durable associations, what sound habits of life can grow among these unwholesome and insecure shelters?

It means in the first place that each year brings a larger proportion of the nation within reach of the higher rate of mortality, by taking them from more healthy and placing them under less healthy conditions.

It means in the first place that each year brings a larger proportion of the nation within reach of the higher rate of mortality, by taking them from more healthy and placing them under less healthy conditions.

It is the young, healthy, vigorous blood of the country which is exposed to these unhealthy conditions.

"The climate, I believe, is healthy," said Mrs. Micawber.

Whether we look through the rose-coloured glass or the indigo, we are equally far from the hues which the healthy human eye beholds in heaven above and earth below.

One can see that if Touchwood were to become a public man and take to frequent speaking on platforms or from his seat in the House, it would hardly be possible for him to maintain much integrity of opinion, or to avoid courses of partisanship which a healthy public sentiment would stamp with discredit.

For it is of the nature of such temper to interrupt the formation of healthy mental habits, which depend on a growing harmony between perception, conviction, and impulse.

It is good and healthy, it makes for rest and strength, to plunge the bare, stiff, cold ego into the collective mind, as into a bath of confidence and fraternal gifts.

It is but a row of grinning red healthy faces over the coping and a shower of bread and biscuit.

His death, they added, was indeed like the stupor of a drunkard, who, after his lethargy has passed, rises healthy and well.

Of the hundreds whom we past, there were very few who were not well dressed, healthy, and apparently in good spirits.

2665 examples of  healthy  in sentences