17 examples of healthy-looking in sentences

A seedy husband who is audaciously palmed upon the public as a Reasoning Animal is discovered in a London garret, with a healthy-looking wife, in a rapid consumption.

All, with one exception, were remarkably beautiful and healthy-looking, certainly not less graceful in form and movement than the happiest and prettiest in our own world.

"Doctor Seyffarth is a man of more than sixty years, gray-haired, healthy-looking, and pleasant in manners.

"Leverrier is very fine-looking; he is fair-haired full-faced, altogether very healthy-looking.

This was arranged in short order, although I am healthy-looking and the doctor found some difficulty in hitting on an appropriate ailment.

Probably because there had been so many healthy-looking men around, as a general thing.

She sent her measure to Vienna, to show Maria Teresa how much she had grown, adding that her husband had grown as much, and had become stronger and more healthy-looking, and that she had made use of her saddle-horses to accompany him in his hunting and shooting excursions.

It is not very hardy, although in some of the warmer parts of southern England and Ireland, fair-sized, healthy-looking specimens are now and then to be met with.

Evidently the flushed, healthy-looking young people, who had been playing tennis so hard, were very despicable in her eyes.

" "Did you ever see more healthy-looking ladies and gentlemen than you find in Virginia?" asked Miss March.

One healthy-looking Belgian boy, on whom I was trying to pull a pair of British trousers, seemed to have nothing at all the matter with him, until it presently appeared that he was speechless and paralyzed in both left arm and left leg.

They are a robust, healthy-looking race, tho' they have an awkward stoop in the shoulders.

" Just then the cry of a child was heard in the adjoining room, and Mrs. Burrell rushed precipitately away, and soon returned with a fat, healthy-looking boy in her arms, which, after kissing, she placed in her husband's lap.

It was a bright, healthy-looking infant, and though five days younger than that of Mrs. Miller was quite as large and looked as old.

They were handsome men, framed symmetrically, lithe, and healthy-looking.

Fifty stout and healthy-looking seamen were hanging in different parts of her rigging, some laughing, and holding low converse with messmates who lay indolently on the neighbouring spars, and others leisurely performing the light and trivial duty that was the ostensible employment of the moment.

Bronzed and healthy-looking, they stepped out on to the platform, and after a brief greeting to Mrs. Chalk and Mrs. Stobell led the way in some haste to the exit.

17 examples of  healthy-looking  in sentences