462 examples of heare in sentences

315 "Then will I sing; but who can better sing Than thine owne sister, peerles ladie bright, Which to thee sings with deep harts sorrowing, Sorrowing tempered with deare delight, That her to heare I feele my feeble spright 320 Robbed of sense, and ravished with ioy; O sad ioy, made of mourning and anoy!

"Yet will I sing; but who can better sing Than thou thyselfe thine owne selfes valiance, That, whilest thou livedst, madest the forrests ring, 325 And fields resownd, and flockes to leap and daunce, And shepheards leave their lambs unto mischaunce, To runne thy shrill Arcadian pipe to heare: O happie were those dayes, thrice happie were!

"But now more happie thou, and wretched wee, 330 Which want the wonted sweetnes of thy voice, Whiles thou now in Elisian fields so free, With Orpheus, and with Linus, and the choice Of all that ever did in rimes reioyce, Conversest, and doost heare their heavenlie layes, 335

And they heare thine, and thine doo better praise.

"How manie great ones may remembred be, Which in their daies most famouslie did florish, Of whome no word we heare, nor signe now see, 360 But as things wipt out with a sponge to perishe, Because they living cared not to cherishe No gentle wits, through pride or covetize, Which might their names for ever memorize!

Nay but heare you Goodman Deluer.

Heare you Sir: What is the reason that you vse me thus?

[Page 248] But wilt thou heare me how I did proceed?

[Sidenote: heare now how] Hor.

Dost heare?

I will thrust my head into the pillow, as Dametas did in a bush when the beare was a comeing, and then I shanot heare her.

Ide rather have no fame then heare thee name it.

Dee heare, Sir Richard?

I doe beseech your grace to heare mee speake.

There may you heare the Nightingale, The harmeless Syren of the wood, How prettily shee tells a tale Of rape and blood.

Thats sooth Captaine, but doe you heare honest friend, pray take a light, and see if the moone shine, I have a Sunne Diall will resolue presently.

I shall be monstrous proud now, to heare shees every way a most rare woman, that I know thy spirit, and judgement hath chosen; is she wise?

Marrie, enter, Mistris Wynnifred, even here I pray thee;from the Lady Eugenia, doe you heare, friend?

Come, come, I am sent of a message to you, will you heare it?

She cannot abide to heare of her three Suiters, but is not this very fit my sweet Clarence?

Thou seest my rare Neece cannot sleepe without me; but for thy company sake, she shall to night; and in the morning I will visit her earely; when doe thou but stand in that place, and thou maiest chance heare (but art sure to see) in what subtill, and farre-fetcht manner Ile solicite her about thee.

Doe you heare Madam, how our youthes here have guld our three suiters?

I thought I should have found a great companye in the churche, and when I came there, the churche dore was faste locked; I tarried halfe an houre and more, and at last the keye was founde, and one of the parishe commes to me, and sayes, 'Syr, thys ys a busye day with us, we cannot heare you; it is Robyn Hoode's day; the parishe is gone abroad to gather for Robyn Hoode.'

boates of the Countrey to see our ship, and the King sent vs word that hee was desirous to heare vs shoote off 5. or 6. of our great peeces, and the King stoode vppon

After noone we past by a man of warre being a Hollander, that lay at anker, and he hoysed anker to follow vs, about euening wee spake with him, but because of the wind wee could hardly heare what hee said, yet hee sailed on with vs.

462 examples of  heare  in sentences