23 examples of heart-ache in sentences

When some principal point we have long had in view becomes so critical, that we must of necessity choose or refuse, then perhaps we look about us; are affrighted at the wild and uncertain prospect before us; and, after a few struggles and heart-aches, reject the untried new; draw in your horns, and resolve to snail-on, as we did before, in a track we are acquainted with.

And, in verity, if Naani answered not to the Word, but there came instead an Evil Power to destroy me, I should but cease me of mine utter heart-ache.

Rosine drooped; her secret heart-ache wore upon her all the more because of her silence; but if she said nothing her mother complained enough for two.

"There is a certain medicine called prayer, Mr. Thurnallan old specific for the heart-ache, as you will find one daywhich I have been neglecting much of late, and which I must return to in earnest before midnight.

What a heart-ache on occasions has it not caused you or me!

As we halted in Castle Street, Mr. Crabbe's mild, thoughtful face appeared at the window, and Scott said, on leaving me, 'Now for what our old friend there puts down as the crowning curse of his poor player in The Borough: "To hide in rant the heart-ache of the night.

Better a heart-ache now than a life-long regret.

and could she allow so great a man to pass away without many a heart-ache?

To dieto sleep No more; and, by a sleep, to say we end The heart-ache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished: to die, to sleep; To sleep!

The other two were phrases put into the mouths of two characters (Dr. Ollapod, in Colman's Poor Gentleman, and Young Rapid, in Morton's Cure for the Heart-ache), which grew into vogue only from the success of the actors Fawcett and Lewis, and had no meaning or allusion beyond what the words obviously meant.

I could not reflect without an heart-ache, on the distress of the individual, thus driven to relinquish his last covering, braving cold to satisfy hunger, and accumulating wretchedness by momentary relief.

But the Bishop, yet in the vigour of life, is better capable of enduring these hardships than most of the poor priests with whom he is associated: the greater number of them are very old men, with venerable grey locks and their tattered clerical habits, scanty meals, and wretched beds, give me many an heart-ache.

I could not reflect without an heart-ache, on the distress of the individual, thus driven to relinquish his last covering, braving cold to satisfy hunger, and accumulating wretchedness by momentary relief.

But the Bishop, yet in the vigour of life, is better capable of enduring these hardships than most of the poor priests with whom he is associated: the greater number of them are very old men, with venerable grey locks and their tattered clerical habits, scanty meals, and wretched beds, give me many an heart-ache.

The boasted Liberty we talk of is but a mean Reward for the long Servitude, the many Heart-aches and Terrors, to which our Childhood is exposed in going through a Grammar-School: Many of these stupid Tyrants exercise their Cruelty without any manner of Distinction of the Capacities of Children, or the Intention of Parents in their Behalf.

He suffered many heart-aches for the want of a father or mother.

35 VIII In sooth, I speak from feeling, what though now Old am I, and to genial pleasure slow; Yet have I felt of sickness through the May, Both hot and cold, and heart-aches every day, How hard, alas!

Besides, Mate, I shrink from any more trouble, any more heart-aches as I would from names.

How true it is that one big heart-ache withers up all the little ones and the joy of years as well.

It gives the Anglo-Indian Exile the heart-ache to think of these ramblings over English scenes.

Lady, you'll avoid heart-ache, And scorn of bard satiric, If haply you should deign to take A lesson from our lyric.

To my unspeakable satisfaction these destitute apartments are to be furnished with bedsteads, mattresses, pillows, and blankets; and I feel a little comforted for the many heart-aches my life here inflicts upon me: at least some of my twinges will have wrought this poor alleviation of their wretchedness for the slaves, when prostrated by disease or pain.

If Alicia will speak, the girl can say that a mouthful of the elixir is better for a rosy cheek, than all the concoctions and washes that were ever invented to give a man a heart-ache.

23 examples of  heart-ache  in sentences