1529 examples of hearth in sentences

Not only did they rob the hind of his weapon, but they slew him on his hearth with his own knife.

Thus leave the sermon dreary, Thus leave the lonely hearth; No more a spirit weary A free one of the earth! DEATH.

And if, in thy life on earth, In the chamber, or by the hearth, Mid the crowded city's tide, Or high on the lone hill-side, Thou canst cause a thought of peace, Or an aching thought to cease, Or a gleam of joy to burst On a soul in gladness nurst; Spare not thy hand, my child; Though the gladdened should never know The well-spring amid the wild

Sat on the headland there the warrior king; Farewell he said to hearth-companions true, The gold-friend of the Geats; his mind was sad, Death-ready, restless.

Thus the [Geat's] people, sharers of his hearth, Mourned their chief's fall, praised him, of kings, of men The mildest and the kindest, and to all His people gentlest, yearning for their praise.

Many a promising domestic hearth is wreckedsuch is the weakness of human natureby the ignorance or disdain of humble acquirements, or what seem humble to fortunate women, and yet which are really steps to a proud ascendency.

He is frugal; in other words, by the help of Ceres, he favors what is useful; he has his own hearth, by the influence of Vesta; Pallas has taught him that which is necessary for him to know; and his wifehis Junorules as the mistress of his house.

Where's my cane?" "You don't mean to say you're goin' to the fire, father?" asked his widowed daughter in surprise, for the captain had bowed beneath the weight of eighty-six winters, and rarely left the domestic hearth.

And thus changed, and with dry shoes to our feet, we at length went upstairs, all full of wondering expectation, and were led into the Cherry room, which seemed to us a very palace, being lit with half a dozen candles (and they of wax) and filled with a warm glow by the blazing logs on the hearth reflected in the cherry hangings.

And there was no sound until Jack's pipe, slipping from his hand, fell and broke in pieces upon the hearth.

"Then we being met friends all, let's have up a bottle and heave off on this here business without more ado," says Evans; and with that he seats himself in the Don's chair, pokes up the fire with his boots, and spits on the hearth.

She seemed to be reviewing the history of her life, so intently did she gaze at the bright coals on the hearth.

Miss Hugonin waved her hand airily toward the hearth.

The deep hearth was filled with arum lilies and azalias, like a font at Easter.

Three or four easy chairs stood about near the broad, old-fashioned fireplace, which had been improved with a modern-antique brass grate and a blue and white tiled hearth.

In an instant the child had slipped on all fours, and, after making out that the cunning gleam came from a very bright place, the little one, rising on its legs, toddled through the snowtoddled on to the open door of Silas Marner's cottage, and right up to the warm hearth, where was a bright fire.

But where was Silas Marner while this strange visitor had come to his hearth?

Turning towards the hearth it seemed to his blurred vision as if there was a heap of gold on the floor; but instead of hard coin his fingers encountered soft, warm curls.

But there was a cry on the hearth; the child had awakened, and Marner stooped to lift it on to his knee.

Bring into your house a benumbed viper, and lay it down upon your warm hearth, and soon it will not ask you into which room it may crawl.

Look at Sarah, that princess as her name signifies, baking cakes upon the hearth.

Many a time, As we sat spinning in the winter nights, My sisters and myself, the people's chiefs Were wont to gather round our father's hearth, To read the old imperial charters, and To hold sage converse on the country's weal.

Well may he fight for hearth and home, that clasps A

And shall an alien lord, Himself a vassal, dare to venture here, Insult us by our own hearth firesattempt To forge the chains of bondage for our hands, And do us shame on our own proper soil?

Whoe'er Shall talk of bearing Austria's yoke, let him Of all his rights and honors be despoiled, No man thenceforth receive him at his hearth!

1529 examples of  hearth  in sentences