12 examples of heavy-set in sentences

Then the door opened again to admit a short, heavy-set man, with florid face, stubbly black moustache, and little, close-set eyes, preternaturally bright.

He was a bluff and hearty man of middle age, rather heavy-set, fresh-faced and clean-shaven, and with very bright blue eyesevidently a man with a good digestion and a comfortable conscience.

He was a heavy-set, red-faced man of some sixty years, with long, straight nose, aggressive, pointed chin, and firm-set lips, and though he greeted us civilly enough, there was a touch of insolence in his manner which he made small effort to conceal, and which showed that it was not upon the Virginia troops he placed reliance.

"George Steadman, sir, a big, heavy-set chapvery faithful in his attendance, sir, absolutely reliablenever talks, but votes right.

He was a heavy-set man, with a huge head, bare-faced and rather a high forehead.

Though a heavy-set man, he was an excellent waltzer.

He was still under forty, heavy-set, bones packed with heavy muscles.

He was a heavy-set man, dewlapped like a bloodhound, and his hard blue eyes were close-coupled.

And the farm hand, a heavy-set boy, eagerly fell in behind Frank and Andy, as, after thanking Mr. Quackenboss heartily for his kindness they passed out of the barn.

Chief Leverage, a broad-shouldered, heavy-set, bushy-eyebrowed individual, looked up from the chess-board, annoyed at this interruption of a game which had been in progress since ten o'clock that night.

"and then say he meets a little chit of a thing, kind of heavy-set like, with this light yellow hair and pretty light blue eyes, that he saw one Sunday at church" Her dark face was flushing now in pained wonder.

" The ticket counter was a heavy-set young man, in spectacles and with his hair much rumpled.

12 examples of  heavy-set  in sentences