32 examples of hecate in sentences

The old hag, after many an encircled circumstance, and often naming of the direful Hecate and Demogorgon. gives me this bottle of wine, mingled with such hellish drugs and forcible words that, whosoever drinks of it shall be presently possessed with an enraged and mad kind of anger.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, i. Hebe, v. Hebrus, i. Hecate, iv.

That is one reason why Apollo's oracles at Cumae and Hecate's necromatic cave at Lake Avernus still prospered.

The mode in which he undertook to make the circuit of the universe, and demand categorical information "now of the planetary and now of the fixed," might put one in mind of Hecate's mode of ascending in a machine from the stage, "midst troops of spirits," in which you now admire the skill of the artist, and next tremble for the fate of the performer, fearing that the audacity of the attempt will turn his head or break his neck.

It needed but the presence of Hecate and her weird band to realize that horrible creation of poetic fancy, and I fancied the "black and midnight hags" concocting a charm around this horrible cauldron.

This idea I have pointed out before in the case of Hamlet; but it occurs repeatedly in Shakespeare; for as Hamlet is driven by the ghost into straits which he cannot pass through, so is Macbeth by witches, by Hecate, and by the arch-witch, his wife; Brutus by his friends; nay, even in Coriolanus, we find a similar thingin short, the conception of a will transcending the capacity of the individual is modern.

I wake me in the dead of night, And start,for through the misty gloom Red Hecate staresa boding sight!

The baying the moon, I have been inclined to set down as an unfavorable indication; but, since Fourier has found out that the moon is dead, and "no better than carrion;" and the Greeks have designated her as Hecate, the deity of suicide and witchcraft, the dogs are perhaps in the right.

Like that of Hecate, a triple empire is now confessed your own.

Hecate is a triple deity, known as Luna in heaven, Diana on earth, and Proserpine in hell.

" Bacon also hath it: "Woods of oranges will smell into the sea perhaps twenty miles; but what is that, since a peal of ordnance will do as much, which moveth in a small compass?" It is once used by Shakespeare, Macbeth: "Ere to black Hecate's summons The shard-borne beetle, with drowsy hums, Hath rung night's yawning peal, there shall be done A deed of dreadful note.

Although the cauldron of Hecate and her priestesses has vanished from the heath at Forres, it bubbles in nightly incantations among the elm-trees of Grosvenor Square; and Hopper and Hellway, Puckle and Straddling, now croak forth their chorus of rejoicing where golden lamps swing blazing over the écarté tables, and the soft strains of the Mazurka enervate the atmosphere of the gorgeous temples of May Fair.

Tarquin is, in this place, the general name of a ravisher, and the sense is: Now is the time in which every one is asleep, but those who are employed in wickedness, the witch who is sacrificing to Hecate, and the ravisher, and the murderer, who, like me, are stealing upon their prey.

Elena Wilson (W); 2Apr73; R549034. Memoirs of Hecate County.

Elena Wilson (W); 2Apr73; R549034. Memoirs of Hecate County.

May heaven rain all its plagues upon her, the Hecate!' 'I will listen no more,' exclaimed Venetia indignantly, and she moved away.

Let me adore this second Hecate, This great Commandress, of the fatal Sisters, That as she pleases, can cut short, or lengthen The thread of life.

In Dieu again 'Fatalité' is one of the three sombre deities of paganism, the other two being Venus, the goddess of pleasure, and Hecate, the goddess of death.

But it was recalled to his memory some months after, when Four-Legs made his appearance, bringing with him a squaw of mature age, and a very Hecate for ugliness.

Snakes that cast your coats for new, Camelions that alter hue, Hares that yearly Sexes change, Proteus alt'ring oft and strange, Hecate with shapes three, Let this Maiden changed be, With this holy water wet, To the shape of Amoret: Cynthia work thou with my charm, Thus I draw thee free from harm Up out of this blessed Lake, Rise both like her and awake.

By the Lady Hecate's might, Hearken and come near us!

Queen Hecate!

HECATE, in the Greek mythology a mysterious divinity of the Titan brood and held in honour by all the gods, identified with Phoebe in heaven, Artemis on earth, and Persephone in Hades, as being invested with authority in all three regions; came to be regarded exclusively as an infernal deity, having under her command and at her beck all manner of demons and phantom spirits.

KALI (i. e. the black one), one of the names of the wife of SIVA (q. v.), and of whom she is the female counterpart, and has been identified with the GREEK HECATE (q. v.); she is represented with a necklace of human heads.

The charms I had From my own mother, that grim Colchian queen, From Hecate, that bound dark gods to me To do my bidding, I have buried them, Ay, and for love of thee!have sunk them deep In the dim bosom of our mother Earth; The ebon wand, the veil of bloody hue, Gone!and I stand here helpless, to my foes

32 examples of  hecate  in sentences