210 examples of hed in sentences

I never knew she hed any nieces, 'cept them two gals uv Jedge Hildreth's down ter Marlborough.

but I will skware this Thing sum da and yu and that edyter hed better Watch out.

I wish I could do more of 'em at the same price; but I did thet pome when I were young an' hed more ambition.

She said, "We hed a varra

Thar wa'n't nuthin' the matter with the cove, 'cept he wus dead drunk, an' he hed a bottle o' rum stowed away in every pocket.

We wus waitin' on the beach fer Estevan, an' three fellers he hed taken along with him inter town, ter cum backthe nigger, Jose, an' mewhen this yere chap hove 'longside.

But that minx, Almiry, hed ben and let on abaout her own sarsy way er servin' on me, an' Car'line jest up an' said she warn't goan to hev annybuddy's leavin's; so daown I come ag'in.

"Things was gettin' desper't by that time; fer aunt was failin' rapid, an' the story hed leaked aout some way, so the hull taown was gigglin' over it.

I jest hed to come, but I'll call again, early to-morrer.

kin trace it out; 'n' there's been two cancers to my own knowledge; 'n' I allus hed a most awful dread o' gettin' a cancer.

And when it come to that, what if you hed to furnish your own materials, same as the Lord did!

He said they'd hed three in three weeks an' had lost two stoves besides; for the boys had fired out the teachers and broke up the stoves an' pitched 'em out the door after 'em.

I never suspicioned that Lena Hamilton hed the same kind o' fantasmic notions that you folks have, but I guess it's like tenant, like landlord, in this case!

And his lond and his lordschipe durethe so ferre that a man may not gon from on hed to another, nouther be see ne lond, the space of 7 zeer.

And ther ben gees alle rede, thre sithes more gret than oure here: and thei han the hed, the necke and the brest alle black.

We hed been six days from Yuma to this place: the sun all the time like a ball of fire, and the sand so hot it burnt one's naked feet to a blister.

hed anyt'ing ter do wid such a job as dis.

Arter ye hed knocked der wind outer me, ye stayed eround ter

They hed been blastin' Elder Payson's rock, half-way deown the new well, an' the mine hedn't worked, an' 'Miah'd gone deown

Thirteen shillin's vor two or dree sausingers, a few slices o' bread an' butter, an' a bottle o' popnot vor Roger, if he knows it" Up kums a chap an' ses, "Be you gwain to pay vor wat you hev hed?" "To be sure I be.

I went ter see whar she wont and while I'se war gone de baby got hodter Indian Turnip an hed bit it by de time I git back dar

Why, she hez taken hunderds from our ships, An' would agin, an' swear she hed a right to, Ef we warn't strong enough to be perlite to.

Sech bein' the case, we hed best look about For some kin' o' way to slip our necks out: Le''s vote our las' dollar, ef one can be found, (An', at any rate, votin' it hez a good sound,) Le''s swear thet to arms all our people is flyin', (The critters can't read, an' wun't know how we're lyin',)

I heerd he was gone ashore somewheres down to Boston, and hed cast anchor for good.

Ray hurt him bad, I guess, for they hed t' pick 'im up 'n' carry 'im off luk a baby.

210 examples of  hed  in sentences