171 examples of heifer in sentences

They've got a thoroughbred bull, too, an' a heifer.

The female is termed cow, but while sucking the mother, a cow-calf; at the age of a year, she is called a yearling quey; in another year, a heifer, or twinter; then, a three-year-old quey or twinter; and, at four years old, a cow.

An idle voice the sabbath region fills Of Deep that calls to Deep across the hills, 355 And with that voice accords the soothing sound [90] Of drowsy bells, for ever tinkling round; Faint wail of eagle melting into blue Beneath the cliffs, and pine-woods' steady sugh; [W] The solitary heifer's deepened low; 360 Or rumbling, heard remote, of falling snow.

Through Nature's vale his homely pleasures glide, Unstained by envy, discontent, and pride; The bound of all his vanity, to deck, With one bright bell, a favourite heifer's neck; 495 Well pleased upon some simple annual feast, Remembered half the year and hoped the rest, If dairy-produce, from his inner hoard, Of thrice ten summers dignify [130] the board.

But pride, which has so often come to our rescue just in time, stepped into her quivering young heart, she stood up and shook her head like an angry young heifer.

Little thinks, in the field, yon red-cloaked clown, Of thee from the hill-top looking down; The heifer that lows in the upland farm, Far-heard, lows not thine ear to charm; The sexton, tolling his bell at noon, Deems not that great Napoleon Stops his horse, and lists with delight, Whilst his files sweep round yon Alpine height; Nor knowest thou what argument Thy life to thy neighbor's creed has lent.

The thievish god suspected him, and took The hind aside, and thus in whispers spoke: 'Discover not the theft, whoe'er thou be, And take that milk-white heifer for thy fee.' 'Go, stranger,' cries the clown, 'securely on, 20 That stone shall sooner tell;' and showed a stone.

In the recovery of my cattle join, A bullock and a heifer shall be thine.'

Upon the advice of Horace, which I often lean upon as upon a staff, I have been keeping my young heifer shut up in the cow-yard now for a week or two.

"'Looking like a heifer,' I fear wont do in prose.

'Like to some spotless heifer,'or,'that you might have compared her to some spotless heifer,' etc.or 'Like to some sacrificial heifer of old.'

'Like to some spotless heifer,'or,'that you might have compared her to some spotless heifer,' etc.or 'Like to some sacrificial heifer of old.'

A heifer of the corn am I, Kara!

The Grizzly took the heifer in his jaws, then climbed the hill to his lair, and with this store of food he again lay down to nurse his wounds.

Appointed to decide the contention between Cuddy and Lobbin Clout. From Cloddipole we learn to read the skies, To know when hail will fall, or winds arise; He taught us erst the heifer's tail to view, When struck aloft that showers would straight ensue.

How gracefully yon heifer bears her ribbon! KUONI.

in Herald-tribune & "Running heifer" pub.

God above, am I to be treated everywhere like a heifer strayed into a patch of oats?

A hog case, a horse used in hunting, a piece of cleared ground, a bed which had not been made according to contract, the ownership of a canoe, and of a heifer, a "clevis lent and delayed to be returned"such were some of the cases on which the judges had to decide.

N.B. "Heifer" has already been explained as "heif-ker, half-cre," A.-S., "anner," Br.

I may throw out a question where I cannot give an explanation, I would ask, are we not approaching very near to the word "heifer" (from the Saxon) in these, but especially in the last of the above terms?

Yea, Italy itself derives its name, according to Piso, from vitula, our word for heifer.

These designations are further divided according to sex, as bull-calf and heifer-calf, or bull and cow.

"There's neither dog nor heifer, horse nor sheep, Will wet his lips within that cup of stone; And oftentimes, when all are fast asleep, 135 This water doth send forth a dolorous groan.

Thou see'st a homely Pile, yet to these walls The heifer comes in the snow-storm, and here 15 The new-dropped lamb finds shelter from the wind.

171 examples of  heifer  in sentences