Do we say hello or poopy

hello 664 occurrences

Taking down the receiver, she asked in low voice, "Hello!

"Hello," greeted the Little Red Doctor, speaking with the brusque informality of one assured of his place as a local celebrity.

Hello, Joe." "Welcome back.

" "Hello, Joe."

" "Hello, Patrick," Daisy echoed.

He asked me to say hello for him and see how you're doing.

He said hello to Gert and ate his sandwich on the porch, thinking hard.

The ordinary salutation in Vienna, as common as our "hello!" is "I have the honor" (Ich habe die Ehre!).

"Hello, hello," he whispered, then after a moment's scrutiny: "Nothey're our men."

"Hello, hello," he whispered, then after a moment's scrutiny: "Nothey're our men."

"Hello, old thing, cheerio and all the rest of it," Huntsman whinnied lovingly.

"Hello!" exclaimed Buddy Pigg.

"Hello, Buddy Pigg!"


"Hello, fellows!" cried Buddy.

"Hello, Billie and Johnnie Bushytail!"

Then he left the house without going up-stairs and saying hello to Paula and sitting down on the edge of her bed, as he had meant to do, and telling her all about his talk with the piano tuner.

She greeted him with a smile and a Hello, nodded a fleeting farewell to Baldwin and slipped comfortably into her brother's arms out on the floor.

She smiled affectionately at him and said, "Hello," adding with just an edge of good-humored mischief, "How do you feel?" He turned abruptly away from her.

" "Wait two minutes until I've said hello to Aunt Lucile and I will," said Mary, and turned to go into the house.

We got into the trenches themselves by means of ladders, and the soldiers came swarming about me with yells of "Hello, Harry!

"Hello, folks," he greeted and passed on into the cook shanty, bestowing upon Stella, over Abbey's shoulder, a comprehensive grin which nettled her exceedingly.

"Hello, Wally!"

"Hello, brothers!" Impossible to fool him, they were probably Spaniards and, if not, they were from Genoa or Naples,in short, were compatriots accustomed to live and eat in all latitudes just as though they were in their own little inland sea.

I'll just ride down to the cabin and unsaddle Chinook and say 'Hello' to fatherand that's the end of our adventure.

poopy 0 occurrences

Do we say   hello   or  poopy