192 examples of helpe in sentences

helpe, helpe me! King.

He all those royall signes had stolne away, And with the Foxes helpe them borne aside Into a secret corner unespide.

Yet I must cuckold him; I cannot helpe it.

I cannot helpe it, it is none of my fault.

La. Helpe, helpe, deare husband, strangle him with one Of my Lute strings; doe, doe, doe.

La. Helpe, helpe, deare husband, strangle him with one Of my Lute strings; doe, doe, doe.

I have, sir, and it has come up full of medium wine; if you have any charity come and helpe me to hold his head; now agen!

I cannot helpe it, and I hope you thinke so.

You have made ill use of your time, Sir Francis; I know not how to helpe you.

I cannot think that by mere accident the anonymous writer lighted on the same words: "Doe women bring no helpe of soule to men?

Ia. Mary Sir, he meanes she can doe more than sleepe, and eate, and drinke; and play at noddy, and helpe to make hir selfe ready.

Ia. Captaine Fowleweather, my Lady the Countes Eugenia commends her most kindly to you, and is determined to morrowe morning earely, if it be a frost, to take her Coach to Barnet to bee nipt; where if it please you, to meete her, and accompany her homewarde, joyning your wit with the frost, and helpe to nip her, She does not doubt but tho you had a sad supper, you will have a joyfull breakefast.

O stay a little sweet Wynnifred, helpe me but to trusse my Poynts againe, and have with you.

Not I by my truth my Lord, I had rather see your hose about your heeles, then I would helpe you to trusse a poynt.

Cods my life, she abuses her best unkle; never trust me if it were not a good revenge to helpe her to the losse of her widow-head.

A, B and C] helpe, helpe.

A, B and C] helpe, helpe.

I cannot helpe it sir.

The 19. of Nouember our Pilot Claes Ianson was intrapped and murthered by the wild people, although we vsed all the means we could to helpe him, but they feared no weapons, about ten or twelue dayes after we tooke one of them that paide for his death.

in the morning our Pinace fell on grounde vpon the coast of Iaua, not far from Pannorocan, where she shotte off three peeces, at the which warning wee made thither with our boates, and by the helpe of God got her off againe: There we saw a high hil that burnt, vnder and aboue the fire hauing a great smoake, most strange to behold.

we had a letter from Cornelis Houtman, to wil vs to come to them, for that there they had founde a good place for water, and all other necessaries, so that about euening wee set sayle, leauing two of our men and a Portingall slaue among the Indians, whome the King promised should come vnto vs ouer land, yet that night wee could not reach aboue the point, meane time we perceyued our Pinace that came to helpe vs. The 16.

The 11. of August we had still a Southerly winde, and therefore about noone the Mauritius set saile, and wee thought likewise to saile, but our men were so weake that we could not hoyse vp our anker, so that we were constrained to lie still till men came out to helpe vs, about euening the winde came Southwest, and with so great a storme, that we thought to haue run vpon the strand, and were forced to cut downe our maine maste.

Second him, or call in more helpe.

TWO INDICTMENTS FOR WITCHCRAFT "John Carrington thou art indited by the name of John Carrington of Wethersfieldcarpenter, that not hauing the feare of God before thine eyes thou hast interteined ffamilliarity with Sattan the great enemye of God and mankinde and by his helpe hast done workes aboue the course of nature for wch both according to the lawe of God and the established lawe of this Commonwealth thou deseruest to dye.

I "First, because Witchcraft is a rife and common sinne in these our daies, and very many are intangled with it, beeing either practitioners thereof in their owne persons, or at the least, yielding to seeke for helpe and counsell of such as practise it."

192 examples of  helpe  in sentences