57 examples of helpmeets in sentences

" The wife of the ruler of a State is called by her husband "My helpmeet.

When persons of another State name her they say also "Your prince's helpmeet.

Besides, his cheerful temper enabled him to make light of more grievous misfortunes than the getting of a loving wife and thrifty helpmeet ten years older than himself.

Too many still are Jews who never called Abraham "Father," while the Jews themselves have long acknowledged woman as man's proper helpmeet.

She was a true helpmeet, who stitched his pamphlets, folded his newspapers, waited on customers at the shop, and nursed and tended his illegitimate child.

Beautiful she was, glorious, lovable, but not the helpmeet whom he needed.

This is why the walls stand there as richly ornamented as the sea and its helpmeet, the wind, have been able to effect.

For all they may say of the superior genius of Bach's first wife's children, it was in his second wife that he seems to have found his more congenial and appreciative helpmeet.

Inferior in neither moral strength nor brain-power, the true woman is a helpmeet, or man's complement, giving him just the special form of strength in body and soul that he needs for the special experience.

Fool, idiot of a manwhat did he know of life in the wilds, when he could see that the child was just what Axel had counted on to keep the woman, his helpmeet, on the place!

He is at his best as a worker, conscious of the responsibility reposed in him; a marvel of generalship, gentle, judicious, slow to anger, quick to action; the priceless helpmeet of his masterthe most useful member of all the tribe of dogs.

The next morning he says to his helpmeet, "Mrs. Barbar, I have a dreadful cold in myhrac!

Where did man get the authority that he now claims to govern one-half of humanity, from what power the right to place woman, his helpmeet in life, in an inferior position?

She had shown herself a woman worth fighting for, even as Schumann fought for her, and she had given him not only the greatest ambition and the greatest solace his life had known, but she had been also the perfect helpmeet to his art.

Adrien Willaert had a wife, and loved her long and well, and wrote many wills, in which he grew more and more affectionate toward his helpmeet, yet strangely he never mentioned his daughter, who was herself a composer, and had perhaps a romance of her own, down there in Juliet's country where her Flemish father took her.

And would you rear a mulberry grove, That I might thus a helpmeet prove?

Breaking through or over the obstacles which debarred them from enjoying or making use of the sources of information open to the opposite sex, they strove to cultivate their minds and store them with useful knowledge, that they might indeed be helpmeets for their husbands, and so not only win, but by true worth retain, their love.

The prayer-meeting at Uncle Tom's Cabin had been protracted to a very late hour, and Tom and his worthy helpmeet were not yet asleep, when between twelve and one there was a light tap on the window pane.

On the opposite side of the field stood the row of steep-roofed, palm- thatched huts in which the ordinary cowhands lived with their dusky helpmeets and children.

Nowhere else can I find the broad perspective of his theology and his primary helpmeets in the devotional life as I find them there.

Women are taught, almost from the moment they come into the world, that their chief end in existence is to be, in some way or other, a "helpmeet" for man.

I remember, in the early days of the Suffrage struggle, hearing people, and women quite as often as menmore often I thinkurging certain rights and principles for women, on the ground that they were meant to be the helpmeets of man.

Out of these materials the Major and his helpmeet concocted a double plotnamely, to make the lord jealous of the steward, and the lady jealous of the governess, and to cause both lord and lady respectively to believe that the steward was deeply engaged both in abetting the amour of the lord and the governess, and in prosecuting his own amour with the lady.

You see her, Mr. Bossom, as my helpmeet under circumstances which (though temporarily unfavourable) call forth the true womannaked, in a figurative sense, and unadorned.

I was told that Abram Handy was a widower anxious to take Temperance for a second helpmeet, and that she could not decide whether to accept or refuse him.

57 examples of  helpmeets  in sentences