2135 examples of her hair in sentences

Farther out on the plain she went and then stopped, with the golden glow of the autumn moon and the stars shimmering in her hair and eyes.

She was bareheaded, and her hair was gathered in a knot at the back.

He had never seen her all in white and she knew quite well how soft it made the shadows of her hair, how startlingly blue her eyes, how warm and living the ivory of her lovely neck.

"In fact, she might have had more chance of learning how to do her hair properly anywhere else, now I come to think of it.

Kathleen's last year's brown velveteen disclosed bronze slippers and stockings,a novelty in Beulah,her hair fell in such curls as Beulah had rarely beheld, and her voice was as sweet as a thrush's note; so perhaps it is not strange that the poem set a kind of fashion at the academy, and "following the gleam" became a sort of text by which to study and grow and live.

So great had been Marie Antoinette's mental sufferings that in those few days her hair had turned white; and fresh and studied humiliations were yet in store for her.

The last ray of sunlight gleamed upon her hair and pure white forehead, and then fled awaythe day was ended.

" Jupiter arrived in the company of Juno, who was converted into a tower of artificial lightswith diamonds in her hair, diamonds around her neck, on her arms, on her shoulders, she was literally covered with diamonds.

The dim interior of the hut with its sun-bleached mud floor, the two gentle brown-eyed women with their saris and silver anklets, looking wonderingly at G. in her white dress sitting enthroned, with her blue eyes shining and her hair a halo, made an unforgettable picture of the East and the West.

" "No, no," he assured her, smoothing back her hair.

She is out of breath, too, and her hair is hanging disordered about her pretty face; not pretty now, however; it is an angry faceand an angry face is never pretty.

But it was not in her hair now.

He buried his fingers in her hair.

Her hair was gray above the ears, and I judged that she was four or five years older than the man.

She had been silent also, but presently she spoke, putting up her hand to pat the one that was stroking her hair.

She stood a while to gaze upon the departing vessel, and then returning to her hut, silent and dejected, laid aside, from that hour, her white deer skin, suffered her hair to spread unbraided on her shoulders, and forbore to mix in the dances of the maidens.

It was rather in retrospect, in his memory of her sweet and earnest face, the tones of her voice, the shine of her hair.

I would put her hair asidemy

" Celia Craig, once Celia Marye Ormond Paige, stood watching her taller sister-in-law twisting up her hair and winding the thick braid around the crown of her head a la coronal.

Ethelyn was going, and she looked very pretty in her dark-green silk, with the bit of soft, rich lace at the throat and the scarlet ribbon in her hair.

On the whole, he gave the preference to "Melind," after the governor's levee, at which she had appeared in "royal purple, with ostrich feathers in her hair," and was described in the Camden Leader as the "elegant and accomplished Mrs. James Markham, who had received the guests with so much dignity and grace.

She can see how she does up her hair, in something approaching the new way, leaning back behind her in the class and tracing out the twists between the questions; for Lucilla can only afford to use her own, and a few strands of harmless Berlin wool under it; she can't buy coils and braids and two-dollar rats, or intricacies ready made up at theupholsterer's, I was going to say.

Where are you?" A thin squeal answered her, and she drew back, her skin contracting in a shudder, even to the roots of her hair.

I do not knowBut how," she added, pushing back her hair, and pressing her hands against her hot temples, "can this be?

Either her hair is dyed or her eyes are blackened; that mixture is not natural, and if, indeed, it should be in this case then I consider it uncanny and not what one would wish for in the family.

2135 examples of  her hair  in sentences